麦肯锡-释放生成式人工智能的潜力:政府机构面临的三个关键问题UnlockingthepotentialofgenerativeAIThreekeyquestionsforgovernmentagencies PublicSectorPractice Unlockingthepotential ofgenerativeAI:Three keyquestionsfor governmentagencies GovernmentorganizationsmayseektojumponthegenAIbandwagon,butthe ...
Put simply, business leaders need to emerge themselves now in generative AI (anyone who can ask questions can use the technology) and be prepared to learn continuously. * * * For more on this topic, readThe economic potential of generative AI: The next productivity frontier, ...
Nowadays, we are witnessing the exponential growth of Generative AI (GenAI), a group of AI models designed to produce new content. This technology is poised to revolutionize marketing research and practice. Since the marketing literature about GenAI is still in its infancy, we offer a technical ...
Systems posing this level of risk: Generative AI (e.g. ChatGPT) Legal regulation of such systems: Permitted with no obligations, but likely voluntary codes of conduct. Challenges for legislators Dozens of leading European business leaders have withdrawn their support for the EU's propo...
E-waste challenges of generative artificial intelligence Generative artificial intelligence (GAI) is driving a surge in e-waste due to intensive computational infrastructure needs. This study emphasizes the necessity for proactive implementation of circular economy practices throughout GAI value chains. Pen...
I always felt, even though most people when they look at the material circumstances of my childhood would use the word poverty or deprived in some economic way, I always felt that my country was cheering me on. 我一直觉得, 尽管大多数人看到我童年的物质条件时都会用贫穷或某种经济匮乏来形容,但...
Economic Counseller and the Director of Research of the IMF 22 October 2024 The return of inflation near central bank targets paves the way for a policy triple pivot. This would provide much-needed macroeconomic breathing room, at a time where risks and challenges remain elevated. ...
Therefore, it is important for policymakers to fully understand the potential impacts of the policy changes related to the IPO system. Accompanied by China’s economic success in the past three decades, the Chinese equity market has experienced an unprecedented expansion. After 30 years of ...
When applied across all GCC countries, our methodology reveals a $150 billion potential value across all sectors of their combined economies. Our analysis shows that AI could potentially add value corresponding to 6 percent or more of each economic sector’s GDP in GCC countr...
The use of artificial intelligence, and the deep-learning subtype in particular, has been enabled by the use of labeled big data, along with markedly enhanced computing power and cloud storage, across all sectors. In medicine, this is beginning to have an impact at three levels: for clinicians...