The Economic JournalThe relationship between market participation and moral values is the object of a long-lasting debate in economics, yet field evidence is mainly based on cross-cultural studies. We conduct rule-breaking experiments in 13 villages across Greenland (N = 543), where stark contrast...
期刊语言:英语 定价: 地址:OXFORD UNIV PRESS , GREAT CLARENDON ST, OXFORD, ENGLAND, OX2 6DP 期刊邮箱: 投稿网址: 期刊网址: 出版商网址: ...
网络经济学杂志;经济杂志;经济学期刊 网络释义 1. 经济学杂志 另一篇重要的书评则是后来成为经济学巨匠的凯恩斯所写,1921年发表在影响很大的《经济学杂志》(The Economic Journal…|基于60个网页 2. 经济杂志 Tsui教授(我以前芝加哥大学的学生)在《经济杂志》(The Economic Journal)发表...
The Economic Journal (英国)《经济学杂志》economic journal 经济杂志 你好,很高兴为你解答 The Economic Journal 和 Economic Journal是一本杂志 曾经是一流,现在退步了,但还是很不错的杂志 希望对你有帮助
The Economic Journal, Volume 133, Issue 652, May 2023, Pages 1430–1465, Abstract Online intermediaries with information about a consumer’s tendencies often ‘steer’ her toward products she is more likely to purchase. We analyse the welfare implications of ...
近日,山东大学经济研究院黄凌波老师以共同第一作者和通讯作者身份完成的学术论文“Persuadable or Dissuadable Altruists? The Impact of Information of Recipient Characteristics on Giving”在经济学领域国际顶级期刊The Economic Journal在线刊...
经济学顶级期刊之⼀The Economic Journal 正式刊出。合作者分别为长江商学院的V. Brian Viard 副教授和⾹港中⽂⼤学(深圳)的张鹏助理教授。该成果是国家⾃然科学基⾦基础科学中 ⼼项⽬重要阶段性成果之⼀。该研究估计了1998-2007期间我国空⽓污染(PM2.5 含量)对全国⼯业企业劳动⽣产率的...
The Economic Journal, Volume 133, Issue 651, April 2023, Pages 951–970, A long history in economics going back to Adam Smith has argued that people give primacy to merit—rather than luck—in distributive choices. We provide a theoretical framework formal...