Increase of the taxes of various commodities; Reduction of the income of several firms; Causes of recession.NordhausWilliamD.EBSCO_AspNew York Review of BooksNordhaus, William D.(2002), “Iraq: The Economic Consequences of War.” The New York Review of Books. Vol. 49. No. 19. http://...
Nordhaus, W.D. (2002) The economic consequences of war with Iraq. The New York Review of Books 49(19).Nordhaus, W. D. (2002). "The Economic Consequences of War with Iraq." The New York Review of Books 49(19).Nordhaus W. 2003. The economic conse- quences of a war with Iraq. ...
Allies using force to resolve the North Korea problem will be the defining event of the 21st century, with a range of possibilities from a limited “surgical” strike to nuclear war between Western allies and China and/or Russia. Anticipating and positioning for economic consequences of war on ...
The Bush administration has articulated its reasons for war, but has produced no official estimates of the costs. Although cost estimates are often ignored when war is debatedWilliam D. NordhausNordhaus, William ...
约翰·梅纳德·凯恩斯在他第一次世界大战后的杰作《和平的经济后果》(The Economic Consequences of The Peace)中,从伦敦的有利位置生动地描述了第一次世界大战爆发前的这个相互关联的世界。 “伦敦的居民可以在床上一边喝着早茶,一边通过电话订购世界各地的各种产品,数量多少随心所欲,并合理地期待他们早日送货上门。
The Conference aims to highlight the economic causes and consequences of World War I up to the onset of the Great Depression and the role and impact of economic ideas and ideologies of the time. The Conference especially encourages papers dealing with the state of the economy preceeding WWI an...
The Economic Consequences of the Peace的创作者 ··· 约翰·梅纳德·凯恩斯 作者 作者简介 ··· 约翰·梅纳德·凯恩斯(John Maynard Keynes) 英国著名经济学家,1883年生于英国剑桥,其父亲约翰·内维尔·凯恩斯为剑桥大学哲学和政治经济学教授,其母亲弗洛伦丝·埃达·凯恩斯曾任剑桥市市长。凯恩斯曾师从阿尔弗...
It is tempting to reduce the cause of the Civil War down to the single issue of slavery, yet this was only one catalyst for this period of tremendous division. What's more, white southerners and white northerners alike did not think of themselves as fighting for or against slavery, and ...
名称:软木贸易战(War of the Woods) 开始时间:1982 博弈方:美国VS加拿大 重点:美加的软木贸易纠纷,随着协议一次次到期,愈演愈烈。 描述:20世纪80年代初,美国软木企业眼见加拿大产品大量涌入,而自己又无价格优势,遂在「贸易战」上大作文章,要求商务部征收惩罚性关税。遭拒后,美国木材同盟(the U.S. Lumber Coalitio...
about it. The consequences are just too dire. This was the view of Herman Kahn, a leading nuclear strategist at the Rand Corporation – a group of American nuclear strategists and defence intellectuals who dedicated their lives to thinking about the unthinkable – nuclear war with Soviet Russia...