内容简介· ··· Carr offers a startling new view of why we drink and how we can escape the addiction. Step by step, with devastating clarity and simplicity, he applies the Easyway(TM) method, dispelling all the illusions that surround the subject of drinking and that can make it almost ...
感谢周冬冬和许青松把《The easy way to stop smoking》(即《这书能让你戒烟》英文原版)翻译成中文,成功把数十万的中国烟民从尼古丁陷阱里救了出来。对酗酒的人来说,种种痛苦都不足以为外人道。明明不想喝酒,却无法戒酒,多少次暗中或明处的戒酒决心,最后都随着一杯劣酒化作笑柄。如果你身边有酗酒的人,请理解...
The Easy Way to Stop DrinkingAllen Carr
Stop Drinking Now The Easy Way 电子书 读后感 评分☆☆☆ (前言:豆瓣入库书名有误,这书名为《Stop Drinking Now》,The Easyway是商标,下有说明) 我把它的姊妹书《这书能让你戒烟》列为神书。在我吸烟的历史里,我一天要抽三包烟,甚至半夜要醒来抽过一支烟以后才能继续入睡,当读完那本书后,我一口气抽掉最后...
Stop Drinking Now The Easy Way 评价人数不足 全部书评 (1)最轻松的戒酒法 (前言:豆瓣入库书名有误,这书名为《Stop Drinking Now》,The Easyway是商标,下有说明) 我把它的姊妹书《这书能让你戒烟》列为神书。在我吸烟的历史里,我一天要抽... 5 有用 ...
You'd better stop drinking wine too much, for it will___ the risk of blood disease.( ) A. multiply B. occupy C. take D. achieve 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 A multiply增加;occupy占据;take花费;achieve获得;由下文的the risk of blood disease可知是增加...
Getting relief from alcohol addiction is not an easy task to accomplish and requires high levels of determination, willpower, and confidence. A person addicted to alcohol needs to be psychologically strong to overcome the addiction. There are several ways to quit drinking that alcohol addicts can ...
Stop drinking coffee and cola! Let's drink another one of the world's most popular drinks—tea on May 21 International Tea Day. We all know that China is the birthplace of tea culture. But do you know about the tea cultures of other countries?Tea was brought to Japan from China in ...
Same outcome, different way to get there – one that doesn’t involve soda or food! Thoughts? Share them below I’d love to hear from you below – what’s one tiny habit you can do today to stop drinking soda or stop some other kind of health habit?
It was easy like you said. I can’t believe how you have helped change my life. Jayne, UK Cannabis, Cocaine, Drugs and Opioids Not a coke monster but a weekend man, or every other week you know…I thought I could find a way out of it, and break the chains of it myself....