Rigden, Composition and temperature of the Earth's mantle: seismological models interpreted through experimental studies of Earth materials, in: I. Jack- son (Ed.), The Earth's Mantle: Composition, Structure and Evolution, Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, UK, 1998, pp...
What is the temperature of the Earth's mantle? The Earth's Mantle: The Earth is made up of three layers. The core is the dense innermost layer of the earth, divided into two parts. The crust is the Earth's thin outer, rocky layer. The mantle is the largest layer of the Earth and...
Seismological images of the Earth's mantle reveal three distinct changes in velocity structure, at depths of 410, 660 and 2,700 km. The first two are best explained by mineral phase transformations, whereas the third—the D″ layer—probably reflects
THE mantle ‘hot spot’ or ‘plume’ hypothesis of Wilson1and Morgan2has been used to explain linear chains of volcanic islands and seamounts as well as aseismic ridges. These features of the ocean basins were presumably caused by the motion of lithospheric plates over mantle plumes, since it ...
Melting and mixing states of the Earth's mantle after the Moon-forming impact The Earth's Moon is thought to have formed by an impact between the Earth and an impactor around 4.5 billion years ago. This impact could have been so ener... M Nakajima,DJ Stevenson - 《Earth & Planetary Sci...
A method is proposed for determining the temperature of the Earth's upper mantle from geochemical and seismic data. The data are made consistent by physicochemical simulations, which enable one to derive physical characteristics from geochemical compositional models (direct problem) and to convert ...
The temperature anomalies in the Earth's mantle associated with thermal convection can be inferred from seismic tomography, provided that the elastic properties of mantle minerals are known as a function of temperature at mantle pressures. At present, however, such information is difficult to obtain ...
mantle heat flowthermal conductivityfirst‐principles calculationsradiative heat flowWe assess the thermal conductivity of the Earth's lower mantle anchored on our first‐principles calculations of lattice thermal conductivity of MgSiOperovskite. Our calculations agree with measurements of iron‐free ...
I propose that the parent-daughter element fractionation caused by such fluids dominates the Sr, Nd, and Pb isotope evolution of the mantle in the second half of Earth's history. A simple two-layered mantle model based on such a premise seems to be consistent with the present knowledge of ...
Experiments on the stability of hydrous minerals likely to be present in the Earth's mantle provide constraints on the distribution of water in the mantle, and the form in which it is stored. In regions of elevated mantle temperature, water may be stored not in minerals but in melts: such...