Bacterial OTUs indicative of soil health were determined by Spearman rank correlations using the ‘rcorr’ function in the R packageHmisc(v. 1.34.0) [55]. Prior to correlation analyses, OTUs occurring at low frequency (fewer than 10 samples), and at low relative abundance (<0.01% of averag...
Petrographic observations and in situ U–Pb ages of melilitites, foidites, basanites, phonolites, and trachytes from the southern part of the Central European Volcanic Province (CEVP) and related plutonic inclusions therein reveal two distinct age groups separated by a gap of ~ 20 Myr. A...
Melt generated in the Gakkel mantle becomes trapped on short length-scales, which produces selective enrichments in very incompatible rare earth elements. Melt migration and extraction may be significantly controlled by the thick lithosphere induced by cooling at such slow spreading rates. We propose ...
This index is based on the fact that feldspars are among the most abundant minerals in the Earth's crust (Wedepohl 1969) and among the groups most easily weathered (Goldich 1938). When feldspars degrade, they form clay minerals (phyllo- silicates with Al in their crystal-chemical ...
Aqueous fluids play a major role in geochemical processes that occur in the Earth’s crust [1–9]. Field observations as well as experimental and theoretical studies have shown that these fluids contain a variety of ions and aqueous complexes that are responsible for mineral dissolution-precipitati...
Not since the earth's crust cooled has the 79th element in the Periodic Table earned a dime. Yet that hasn't stopped SPDR Gold Trust, a.k.a. GLD, from becoming an institutionally recognized investment asset. Still, the question hangs in the air: What's an ounce worth? Now begins a ...
Biomarkers are commonly used in epidemiological studies to assess metals and metalloid exposure and estimate internal dose, as they integrate multiple sour
The MMX infrared spectrometer (MIRS) is an imaging spectrometer onboard MMX JAXA mission. MMX (Martian Moon eXploration) is scheduled to be launched in 2024 with sample return to Earth in 2029. MIRS is built at LESIA-Paris Observatory in collaboration wi
Abstract To provide new insights into the interaction of ultramafic alkaline melts with the subcontinental lithospheric mantle, we present results of a petrographical-mineralogical study of ilmenite-bearing mantle xenoliths from the Grib kimberlite, Archangelsk, Russia along with results from reaction ex...
Their lower contents in the mantle and crust relative to those of chondrite are explained by the strong fractionation into the iron core at the early stage of the Earth's formation. Likewise, sulfide melts concentrate all PGE upon separation from basic magmas. At conditions of high oxygen ...