Type 2 diabetesTo the Editor: An Editorial entitled 'Intensified glucose lowering in type 2 diabetes: time for a reappraisal' [ 1 ] was published in a recent issue of Diabetologia . We were disappointed that individuals with a very early stage of type 2 diabetes were not considered in this...
In addition, when appropriate pharmacological interventions against β-cell glucose toxicity are started at the early stages of diabetes, β-cell function is substantially restored, which is not observed if treatment is started at advanced stages. These observations indicate that it...
However, little attention is paid to patients with very early stage type 2 diabetes, by which we mean within 1 year or so of the development of diabetes. One can determine the time of diabetes onset exactly if the results of previous blood tests are known. In Japan, and maybe some other...
推拿手法治疗早期2型糖尿病的临床观察研究 Clinical study of manipulation in the treatment of early type 2 diabetes mellitus,推拿手法治疗早期2型糖尿病的临床观察研究 Clinical study of manipulation in the treatment of early type 2 diabetes mellitus,Clinical,study,of,manipulation,in,the,treatment,early,typ...
The majority of patients with type 2 DM will eventually require insulin therapy. The traditional paradigm for starting insulin has been to use it after therapy with oral antidiabetic agents has failed. However, changing this paradigm and introducing insulin therapy early in the course of treatment ...
Until the early 2000s treatment of type 2 diabetes focused on glucose control. The main GLAs in use were insulin, metformin and sulfonylureas. In 2008, the FDA started to require pharmaceutical companies to confirm the CV safety of their newly developed GLAs, compared with placebo or other GLA...
2型糖尿病的危害(The risk of type 2 diabetes).doc,2型糖尿病的危害(The risk of type 2 diabetes) The risk of type 2 diabetes This is a topic of concern for many people with type 1 diabetes. Only early understanding of the factors associated with type 1
A REVIEW ON: The Early Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes The aim of this article is to discuss these challenges, the benefits of early intervention—with emphasis on the prevention trials showing that progression to type 2 diabetes can be delayed by addressing prediabetes—and the existing ... A ...
Early results of Roux-en-Y gastric by-pass on regulation of diabetes type 2 in patients with BMI above and below 35 kg/m2. The idea of surgical treatment of type 2 diabetes was established in the U.S. and was based on observation of patients after bariatric operations. Performe... ...
2型糖尿病的危害(Theriskoftype2diabetes) Theriskoftype2diabetes Thisisatopicofconcernformanypeoplewithtype1diabetes. Onlyearlyunderstandingofthefactorsassociatedwithtype 1diabetescanleadtobetterpreventionandtreatmentoftype 1diabetes.Whatarethefactorsassociatedwithtype1 diabetes? Whatarethefactorsthatcontributetotype...