In the first two decades of the 19th century, the early American Republic emerged from under the shadow of the internal and external threats that had formerly plagued its progression towards independence, and with increased confidence in its capacity as a political institution and as a military pow...
The Journal of the Early Republic is a quarterly journal committed to publishing the best scholarship on the history and culture of the United States in the years of the early republic (1776–1861). Join the conversation about this journal Quartiles 200320042005200620072008200920102011201220132014201520162...
Summary This chapter contains sections titled: 1. From Literary Canon to Actually Existing Archive 2. Theories of Cultural Access 3. Fables of Consumption: The Revolutionary Pamphlet, the Post-Revolutionary Novel, and the Proto-Liberal Republic 4. The Post-National Republic References and Further ...
5The Early Republic, 1790s–1870sBy the 1790s, at least fourteen governments were mak-ing law in the United States, but questions remained. How much of the pre-Revolution colonial and Eng-lish law would be recognized or relied upon? If the United States was to remain committed to the co...
Early Years of the Republic: From the End of the Revolution to the First Administration of Washington (1783–1793). By Herbert Aptheker. (New York: International, 1976. x + 167 pp. Notes, bibliography, and index. Cloth, $7.50; paper, $2.75.) ...
With voices ranging from those of presidents to slaves, from both men and women, and from Native Americans and white settlers, this book tells the story of the first half-century of the United States. Provides students with over 50 essential documents from the Early Republic: the first five ...
The Republic, one of the most important dialogues of the ancient Greek philosopher Plato, renowned for its detailed expositions of political and ethical justice and its account of the organization of the ideal state (or city-state)—hence the traditional title of the work. As do other dialogues...
Democratic Republic of the Congo - Mining, Agriculture, Poverty: At independence in 1960, the formal economy of Congo was based almost entirely on the extraction of minerals, primarily copper and diamonds. Most of this economic activity was controlled by
Did you know... Primus Inter Pares is Latin for First Among Equals. Did you know... Thecursus honorumwas the sequential order of public offices held by aspiring politicians in both the Roman Republic and the early Empire.
In the early years of the CPC, at its Second National Congress in 1922, the Party set forth its primary platform of achieving national independence and establishing a democratic republic, and its ultimate goal of realizing socialism and communism, pointing out the direction for a two-step Chinese...