Paragraph 1:Throughout its history, agriculture was the economic mainstay of the Ottoman Empire, which dominated North Africa, the Middle East, Turkey, and southeastern Europe for over 600 years until the early twentieth century. Most cultivators possessed small landholdings, engaging in a host of...
, with increasing amounts of produce going to sale to domestic and international consumers.”可知,选项D表述与原文相符。
HomoeroticismintheEarlyOttomanEmpire奥斯曼帝国早期的同性恋 系统标签: ottomanhomoeroticismempire同性恋奥斯曼帝国early Rosinko1 HomoeroticismintheEarlyOttomanEmpire GrantRosinko “Inourtime,thepopularityofbeardlessyouths,smooth-cheekedboys,andwell- behavedlads,whosesweetbeautyisapparent,exceedsthepopularity[women]poss...
Paragraph 1:Throughout its history, agriculture was the economic mainstay of the Ottoman Empire, which dominated North Africa, the Middle East, Turkey, and southeastern Europe for over 600 years until the early twentieth century. Most cultivators possessed small landholdings, engaging in a host of...
Ottoman Empirelabor productivityagricultureThis paper provides standardized estimates of labor productivity in arable farming in selected regions of the early Ottoman Empire, including Jerusalem and neighboring districts in eastern Mediterranean; Bursa and Malatya in Anatolia; and Thessaly, Herzegovina, and ...
Paragraph 1:Throughout its history, agriculture was the economic mainstay of the Ottoman Empire, which dominated North Africa, the Middle East, Turkey, and southeastern Europe for over 600 years until the early twentieth century. Most cultivators possessed small landholdings, engaging in a host of...
AgricultureintheLateOttomanEmpire:奥斯曼帝国晚期农业看标题应该是介绍当时的农业情况,说明文 AgricultureintheLateOttomanEmpire Throughoutitshistory,agriculturewastheeconomicmainstayoftheOttomanEmpire,whichdominatedNorthAfrica,theMiddleEast,Turkey,andsoutheasternEuropeforover600yearsuntiltheearlytwentiethcentury.(开门见山...
Paragraph 1:Throughout its history, agriculture was the economic mainstay of the Ottoman Empire, which dominated North Africa, the Middle East, Turkey, and southeastern Europe for over 600 years until the early twentieth century. Most cultivators possessed small landholdings, engaging in a host of...