按照这些步骤操作后,通常可以解决java.lang.IllegalStateException: The driver executable does not exist这个错误。如果问题仍然存在,请检查是否有其他配置错误或环境问题。
the driver executable does not exist 驱动程序可执行文件不存在 你下的驱动有问题,你肯定是随便在网上找的,里面根本就没有这个扫描仪的驱动组件
Caused by: net.thucydides.core.webdriver.DriverConfigurationError: Could not instantiate new WebDriver instance of type class org.openqa.selenium.chrome.ChromeDriver (The driver executable does not exist: C:\Users\aarmiller\Workspace\hiflex\hiflex-compass-decom\spec\src\test\resources\webdriver\windows\...
So I installed protractor globally usingsudo npm install -g protractor, which installs the files at usr/local/lib/node_modules/protractor/selenium/ (on a Mac). In that folder the chromedriver executable did exist, so I copy/pasted into the project selenium folder and now protractor runs as ...
【问题现象】Selenium调用IE时报“The path to the driver executable must be set by the webdriver.ie.driver system property” 【解决方法】 步骤一:按照博客http://blog.csdn.net/jichuang123/article/details/53008581中描述检查IE版本,Selenium版本,同时按文章中给出的网址下载对应Selenium版本的IEDriver;若按...
1Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalStateException:The path to the driver executable must be set by the webdriver.gecko.driver system property; 解决过程: 1、查了一下,据说报这个错是因为在selenium和Firefox不兼容导致的,需要添加驱动。于是找到了驱动下载地址: ...
1.需要在selenium下载专门针对ID的驱动: image.png 2.需要在实例化之前加入: System.setProperty("webdriver.ie.driver","D:\\SETUPS\\IEDriverServer_x64_2.53.1\\IEDriverServer.exe");// 必须加入WebDriverdriver=newInternetExplorerDriver(); 3.需要调整IE浏览器的安全选项,所有区域每一个复选框打上勾; ...
The shared libraries generated for each of the modules of SymPhas need to be explicitly linked since they are all used in the driver through the SymPhas header. If additional modules were enabled during the installation, then those would also have to be linked even if the driver does not di...
When trying to run my LabVIEW executable on my development or deployment machine, I receive this error: This VI is not executable. The full development version of LabVIEW is required to fix the errors. I can't see my LabVIEW classes loaded in memory when
问题: linux 系统java自动化启动google浏览器 提示:The driver is not executable: /home/pt/Downloads/googledriver/chromedriver_linux64/chromedriver 原因:驱动不可执行 解决: 在驱动所在目录 执行命令: chmod a+x chromedriver 赋予可执行