作者:Muriel Spark 书名:The Driver's Seat《驾驶席》 英文简介:Lise is thin, neither good-looking nor bad-looking. One day she walks out of her office, acquires a gaudy new outfit, adopts a girlier tone of voice, and heads to the airport to fly south. On the plane she takes a seat ...
01 大家都知道“驾驶座”的英文是:driver s seat,但是很多小伙伴对“副驾”的英文就比较陌生啦。 其实,也很简单,副驾就是 (front) passenger seat 啦~ "passenger seat"直译过来是“乘客的座位”,通常来说它可以表示“副驾”。 但注意啦,在某些场合下,如果加上"front"它的意思可能更加明确! front 有“前面...
You jump into the driver's seat, open up the throttle, the fan spins up, the wind launches. . . 你跳进驾驶座,打开油门,风扇转速上升,风轮牵引起飞… www.yappr.cn 7. The driver's seat-adjustment buttons are located on the door and are shaped like the seat in question. 司机座位调整按钮...
在屋子外面的热水管被损坏了。把它们排列好,会发现缺少的部分的形状和货运仓库带血的水管一样。 搜查完毕之后,就可以审问死者老婆!一共6个问题上图! 顺序是1-1-1-3-1-1只有第四个问题死者老婆是说谎的,这里要用到梳妆柜的相架发现的线索指证她。 审问完毕之后,死者老婆是无辜的。开车前去死者火柴上写着的酒...
the driver's seat 司机的座位 双语对照 词典结果:the driver's seat n.控制地位;以上结果来自金山词霸 例句:1.Anything less than an unequivocal rejection would signal to them that they were in the driver's seat.如果我们不能毫不含糊的拒绝,他们就会明白,自己已经掌控全局。
in the driver's seat的意思是“in a position in which one is able to control what happens”,即“掌握控制权,对某事有控制权”。 当某人坐在司机的座位上时,不管是将车往哪个方向开,都由这个人决定,毕竟他坐的位置就是驾驶位嘛!所以后来这个短语就用于形容某个人对某件事掌有控制权。
in the driver's seat的意思是“in a position in which one is able to control what happens”,即“掌握控制权,对某事有控制权”。当某人坐在司机的座位上时,不管是将车往哪个方向开,都由这个人决定,毕竟他坐的位置就是驾驶位嘛!所以后来这个短语就用于形容某个人对某件事掌有控制权。例句:Alice, ...
passenger seat 它不是普通的乘客座位,特指司机旁边的乘客座位,也就是副驾驶位。 你的朋友要是对你说passenger seat,记得给他开前排的车门哦。 His laptop computer is lying on the passenger seat. 他的笔记本电脑正放在副驾驶上。 shotgun n.猎枪;副驾驶 ...
in the driver's seat 释义 处于控制地位,掌握控制权 实用场景例句 全部 Now he knows he'sin the driver's seatand can wait for a better deal. 现在他明白他处于支配地位,可以等到更好的待遇。 柯林斯例句 Employees will be, figuratively speaking,in the driver's seat....
Driver,名词,司机;seat,名词,座位。In the driver’ s seat字面上就是坐在司机的座位上。当一个人坐在驾驶座上时, 是不是想把车往哪儿开就往哪儿开呢?所以In the driver’ s seat一般用来形容一个人对一件事掌有控制权,是不是很形象呢? 【例句】 ...