Cooperation and awareness of others are just two of the themes explored in these remarkable stories and legends from Vietnam, as retold by renowned Buddhist monk and scholar Thich Nhat Hanh. A fantastical blend of fiction and nonfiction, these tales are narrated with gorgeous prose and are ...
Previously on The Dragon Prince... 《龙王子》前情提要 So, the most important things, Ive written down. 最重要的事 我都写下来了 A letter? 一封信 Queen Aanya, would you allow me to share a story with you? 安雅女王 我能和你说一个故事吗 Nine years ago, my oldest friend, Prince Harrow...
The Dragon Prince (Roleswap AU)[Part 6]-Ezran as Soren Ezran switches roles with Soren, which mean that he is the overconfident brother. In this AU, Ezran is the friendly, but quite spoiled, prince of Katolis. With his Glowing Toad pet, Bait, he likes raiding the kitchen for Jelly...
20.Charlie and the Chocolate Factory 查理和巧克力工厂(罗德达尔系列)/810L/5.2 21.The Little Prince小王子/710L/4.5 22.The Genius Files 天才档案(3本)/720L-750L/4.6-4.8 23.The Little House小木屋的故事(9本)/600L-700L 3.9-4.5 24.The Underland Chronicles Series地底王国(5本)/680L-730L/4....
Sky Dragons are one of the six classes of dragons found in Xadia. They possess a connection to the magical energy of the Sky. They make use of various elements of the Sky, including movements of the wind, storms, and clouds. While the Archdragons are the
Previously on The Dragon Prince... 《龙王子》前情提要 Well, maybe its just a mirror. 也许就是个普通的镜子 Of all the treasures, artifacts and relics 龙族国王和王后 in the lair of the Dragon King and Queen... 有那么多宝藏和遗物 they kept this close to where they slept. 却把这个放在...
The Little Prince 《小王子》翻译解析 热度: PreviouslyonTheDragonPrince... 《龙王子》前情提要 Boys! 孩子们 You'regoingonatriptotheBantherLodge. 你们要去班瑟小屋玩一趟 Youjustdidmagic. 你刚刚就施了魔法 You'reamage. 你是个魔法师 I'mamage!
They will be stories of armies, battles, and decisive victories. 还会有军队 战争和决定性胜利的故事 But this isn't true strength. 但这不是真正的力量 It's merely power. 这只是权力 I now believe true strength is found in vulnerability... ...
The Dragon and his Grandmother The Donkey Cabbage The Little Green Frog The Seven-headed Serpent The Grateful Beasts The Giants and the Herd-boy The Invisible Prince The Crow How Six Men Travelled through the Wide World The Wizard King
One of the most unexpected success stories on the DS came in late 2010, when Aksys Games took a chance on localizing a game in a genre rarely seen in the States – the visual novel. These games often feature more text than actual gameplay, playing out like interactive Choose Your Own Adv...