The Fever King by Victoria Lee In the former United States, sixteen-year-old Noam Álvaro wakes up in a hospital bed, the sole survivor of the viral magic that killed his family and made him a technopath. His ability to control technology attracts the attention of the minister of defense...
The throbbing soundtrack, endless parade of white-suited mobsters and vicious ultraviolence combine to create a flow-state fever dream. Stacks of indie games have tried to emulate the split-second brutality of Hotline Miami, but nobody does it better than Dennaton Games. Tyler Wilde, US Editor...
I am a huge fan of Thrillers, Suspense, Action-Adventure and like to write in that genre. My idea for Poseidon came from a couple of areas. First, the main characters are retired women scientists who are kind of bored in retirement and they have a secret past you’ll learn about in t...
Dragon Day dreams Drones Drugs Dubai Duckman Dune Duran Duran Dylann Roof Dystopia Eco-Cities ecofascism Economics Ecotopia Edgar Alan Poe education Edward Dutton Edward Hopper Edward Snowden Effective Altruism Egypt Eivend Berge El Chapo Elections Ellen Brown Ellen...
which no one in their right mind could consider calm or stable. The Year Of The Dragon was certainlyenergetic,Jesus – but it was more than many of us could handle. I myself have had a rather tumultuous time, not on an even keel, very up and down – my sudden announcement in the ...
Dracula: Prince Of Darkness (1965) DRAGONFLIES ONLY LIVE FOR 24 HOURS DRagonFLIX Dramedy DRAVEN Drew Barnhardt Drew Bolton Drew Cullingham Drew Godderis Drew Horner Drew Lopez DREW SHERRING-HILL Drew T. Pierce DRILL IT Drill Music DRIVE ALL ...
The beauty of science fiction is how it can take shape in endless ways on screen. When you look at the types of sci-fi narratives that filmmakers have explored in movies, it's hard to deny the fact that it’s one of the most unique, versatile, and exciting genres of all time...
Dragon Bound by Thea Harrison Somewhere in Time by Richard Matheson (The movie is better!) Dark Lover (Black Dagger Brotherhood Series, #1) by J.R. Ward Firelight by Kristen Callihan (Darkest London) Once Burned (Night Prince, #1) by Jeaniene Frost Undead & Unwed by MaryJanice Davidson Ra...
It's official - there's a new Supergirl taking flight inJames Gunn's burgeoning DC Studios movie universe, as House of the Dragon actor Millie Alcock has been cast as the character for her in-development solo movie. Supergirl is one of the most iconic, influential superheroes of all time...
Koopa Troopas are anthropomorphic turtles with removable shells that come in many different colors, with green and red Koopa Troopas being the most common; green Koopa Troopas usually walk in a straight line until they hit a wall or fall into a...