As I describe below, in the UK, “anti-racism” has led the law to undermine an ancient right – the injunction against “double jeopardy”: it is no longer necessarily true that, if you are found not guilty of a crime, you cannot be retried for it. The Duke University alleged rape ...
Some countries, including many in Europe, apply a double jeopardy bar (known there as ne bis in idem) that prevents one country from prosecuting an entity that has already been prosecuted elsewhere. Other countries, however—including the United States—have no such bar. US prosecutors may ...
let alone AI-based "deep fakes" -- one of the few things that now seems certain is that the Trump campaign was much more adept at exploiting advancing technology, although it's also possible that the nature of the campaign -- rampant lies and disinformation, faux outrage, double standards...
Older workers of color experienced more than just baseline double jeopardy. They also had even greater potential for compounded negative experiences, as their age status and negative stereotypes of fragility became more prevalent to their coworkers and employers. For example, Spaccatini et al., (...
The article notes a key fact, that any amount of a substance that has no thresholds, like epitrenbolone and trimetazidine, is a violation. “Usada is confident the positive test occurred because of the meat. Sophisticated modern testing methods showed that Grove had less than 500 picograms of...
Hillary Campaign Poster Ideas What the Hell is Gracie Law Doing Here? The China Syndrome The Primary Problem Perry’s Big Choke About Me My name is Doc. Welcome to my blog. If you're visiting from another blog, add me to your blogroll (and I'll happily reciprocate). I have a Ph.D...
Immigration Court, Immigration Law, Sports, Music, Politics, and Other Random Topics by Retired United States Immigration Judge (Arlington, Virginia) and former Chairman of the Board of Immigration Appeals PAUL WICKHAM SCHMIDT and DR. ALICIA TRICHE, expert brief writer, practical scholar, emeritus ...
“Law enforcement hesitated, communication broke down, and innocent children and teachers were left defenseless. We must do what we can to ensure these mistakes are never repeated. The Uvalde Strong Act is about guaranteeing that when a crisis strikes, there is no confusion and no delay—only ...
“improve available data sets for populations with non-European ancestry and optimize analytic methods [of PGS] so that genomic risk can be accurately and equitably identified across all human populations.” While the MA-PRS attempts to ameliorate some of these disparities, we argue that significant...
Political will to apply the law is also weak. The truism that the law is never enough on its own to secure social change is illustrated. With or without legal protection, the assistance of non-state actors will be needed to help communities secure their lands under formal collective ...