dominator(支配者) 当出现了杀人等恶性案件,或者有潜在犯拒绝隔离或治疗的时候,同为潜在犯的执行官会在犯罪系数正常的监视官的带领下展开行动。 为什么一线的执行官,会让潜在犯来充当呢?一个说法是,凝视深渊者必被深渊所凝视。在揣测犯罪者的意图时,自己的想法也会跟犯罪者表现出某种一致,从而使PSYCHO-PASS值升高。
The Dominators work by reading and sending a target’s psycho-pass directly to the Sibyl System for a crime coefficient calculation, and have four settings apart from the automatic safety: Non-Lethal Paralyzer, Lethal Eliminator, Destroy Decomposer, and Explosive Destroy Decomposer; only when the ...
The first function of the Dominator is to measure a perpetrator’s psycho-pass in order to diagnose whether or not they may be integrated back into society. However, if the Dominator concludes that the person is beyond help, it switches to an offensive mode called Lethal Eliminator. When ...
The Japanese version of the CO2 gas blowback handgun that complies with Japanese regulations is finally here. The front part, reminiscent of the Dominator from 'PSYCHO-PASS', is a silencer in the real gun, and can be adjusted to any length with the extension parts. ...
The antagonist of the game, a hacker who goes by the name Alpha, is brand-new to the Psycho-Pass universe and holds a simple, innocent objective — to make people happy. However, with his naive, adolescent mindset, Alpha does not understand that one person’s happiness could equate to an...
I just finished watching Psycho Pass 2, an was wondering why Kamui Kirito is shown in the ending, sitting inside an isolation chamber? It's clearly shown how Sakuya Togane and Kamui shoot each other: Kamui is getting a direct hit, and Togane loses his arm resulting in his death a few...
Dominator Tutorial Psycho Pass Evoker Persona 3 Fishbone tutorial Jinx League of Legends Foam Prop M-358 Talon From Mass Effect Mass Effect Gatling Gun Arm Costume Gunblade Squall Final Fantasy VIII Gunner Dressphere Gun Final Fantasy X-2 Hades Train Heartnet Black Cat Hades Gun Train Heartnet...
Dominator Tutorial Psycho Pass Evoker Persona 3 Fishbone tutorial Jinx League of Legends Foam Prop M-358 Talon From Mass Effect Mass Effect Gatling Gun Arm Costume Gunblade Squall Final Fantasy VIII Gunner Dressphere Gun Final Fantasy X-2 Hades Train Heartnet Black Cat Hades Gun Train Heartnet...
It was the New Beginning in Osaka just a month ago that The Roughneck lost to The Dominator, and then gave up his hair! But now he’s back in action, ready for redemption, will Shota have his revenge? Or will he simply be eliminated? The bell rings and the fans rally up as Khan ...
Psycho-Pass: Mandatory Happiness is set somewhere within the first eight episodes of the first season of cyberpunk dystopian anime Psycho-Pass. And it’s made me do things so messed up that it’s hard to keep playing.