“Child protection” abuses are finally getting the attention they need. I have never enjoyed a conference as much as I enjoyed Hereticon. Cops will continue to do this until there are criminal penalties for it. Straight-up anti-sex propaganda repeated by a delusional parrot. ...
The article focuses on the domestic abuse of pregnant women in Great Britain. It discusses the amended laws on domestic abuse including the Family Law Act 1996 and the Protection from Harassment Act 1997. According to the author, midwives must have knowledge of these laws to provide better ...
This paper reports on a small study which investigates the connection between domestic violence and non-accidental injury in animals in the Republic of Ireland. This found that many women reported witnessing one or more forms of abuse, or threats of abuse, of their pets. Most women considered ...
On October 26, the UK Parliament passed the Online Safety Act…the government has…admitted there…is no…way to scan E2EE messages or services without breaking their encryption…[so] Ofcom…now…propos[es] to use hash matching…a mass surveillance [technique] that could easily be abused by...
Mandatory Penalties, Victim Cooperation, and the Judicial Processing of Domestic Abuse Assault Cases In 1991, the state of Iowa instituted a mandatory 2-day jail sentence and mandatory participation in a batterers' education program for conviction of misde......
Mullen, P.E.; Martin, J.L.; Anderson, J.C.; Romans, S.E.; Herbison, G.P. The long-term impact of physical, emotional, and sexual abuse of children: A community study.Child Abus. Negl.1996,20, 7–21. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] ...
Elder abuse prevalence and risk factors: findings from the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging One in ten older adults in Canada are victims of elder abuse each year. Older adults with lower physical, mental or cognitive health or history of child maltreatment have elevated risk, while greater...
the right to information and education; the right to freedom of opinion and expression; the right to adequate housing; the right to just and favourable conditions of work; the right to family life and to found a family; and the right to remedy for human rights abuses. (Amnesty International...
PubMedGoogle Scholar Stripe N. Domestic abuse during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, England and Wales. (2020) Office for National Statistics.2021.https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/crimeandjustice/articles/domesticabuse duringthecoronaviruscovid19pandemicenglandandwales/november202...
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