Papal supremacy and infallibility have become the 'greatest obstacle' to the ecumenical movement. Vatican I's statement of infallibitility is presented in its European, historical context. Newman's moderating voice stresses the developmental life of Church doctrine: from the earliest times, all ...
offaith,morals,andthevalidadministrationofsacraments.Essentialtomaintainingtheapostolicsuccessionistherightconsecrationofbishops.Apostolicsuccessionis to bedistinguishedfromthePetrinesupremacy(seepapacy).Protestants(otherthanAnglican)seetheauthoritygiventotheapostlesasunique,propertothemalone,andhencerejectanydoctrineof a...
To them He reveals the more hidden parts of His doctrine (Matt., xiii, 11). He sends them as His deputies to preach the kingdom, and bestows on them the power to work miracles. All are bound to accept their message; and those who refuse to listen to them shall meet a fate more ...
that there are no citations “revealed” in his book in which a Christian, especially a Church Father, explicitly denies the Petrine primacy or the Petrine succession. Webster
cavalry, a military force consisting of mounted troops trained to fight from horseback. Horseback riding probably evolved independently in the Eurasian steppes and the mountains above the Mesopotamian plain. By 1400 B.C., the use of smelted iron to make weapons gave the infantry supremacy. ...
Consequently, the fire of hell has nothing in common with the Roman Catholic doctrine of “purgatory,”– it is not a created fire, nor is it a purifying one which people must go through to ‘atone’ for their sins. This view has been utterly rejected by Orthodoxy. Hell is God Himsel...
4. Extensiveness, in the number of her loyal members. 5. Episcopal Succession, of her Bishops from the first Apostles at the Last Supper to the present hierarchy. 6. Doctrinal Agreement, of her doctrine with the teaching of the ancient Church. 7. Union, of her members among themselves...
he recounts a disputation with a Christian scholar concerning the doctrine of the Trinity. He seems to have elaborated this disputation and to have used it later in various anti-Christian writings. In 1452 he was sent by the Prince of Asturia, Don Enrique, to Segovia to prevent an outbreak...
This is the outline of the doctrine presented by Scripture:Jesus offered Himself as a sacrifice to God for our redemption (Ephesians 5:2, etc.); Hepresentedthis sacrifice at the Last Supper (Luke 22:19, etc.) andperfectedit on the Cross (John 19:30, etc.). He commanded His Apostles ...
J. Salza: Supremacy and succession in the early Church mean just that to Catholics. If you try to undermine the authority that Peter’s successors were given by virtue of their appointments, you essentially undermine the doctrine of apostolic succession, and call into question the authority of ...