《分裂集团(The Division)》PC版请愿开启 想玩的速去投票 现在看来摇摆不定的《分裂集团(The Division)》PC版本日渐明朗,早前E3上只宣布了登陆XboxOne和PS4。尽管没有否认未来登陆其他平台的可能,但育碧称目前专注于主机版本。 不过在今天machinima的参访中,《分裂集团》的开发者称:如果有需求,还是会有PC版。并表...
v=weaNHG-RluE Tom Clancy's The Division 《湯姆克蘭西:全境封鎖》PC 版每秒 60 張畫面預告片 / 60 FPS PC Trailer [中文字幕] Ubisoft SEA 【立即加入 Ubisoft SEA 粉絲團 http://www.facebook.com/UbisoftSEA 】 3 月 8 日,Tom Clancy's The Division 《湯姆克蘭西:全境封鎖》將同步在 PC 平台上...
《全境封鎖The Division》的開發商Massive Entertainment工作室,回應了關於這款遊戲可能會為了Xbox One和PS4版本而對PC版本的畫面進行降質的行為。在最近YouTube頻道的一段訪談中,Massive小組的Martin Hulberg表示降質這個詞並無法準確含括他們對於《全境封鎖》的開發工作所下的努力。 他說,使用降質這個詞是非常怪異的...
在周一的E3 2013发布会上,全新IP《分裂集团(The Division)》惊艳亮相,继上届E3大展《看门狗》之后,育碧再一次给我们带来了惊喜。然而小有遗憾的是官方宣布登陆Xbox One和PS4,未提到PC平台。然而今日开发商
Add another game to your Uplay library fromUbisoft, becauseTom Clancy's The Divisionis free on PC until September 8! Originally released in March 2016,Tom Clancy's The Divisiontakes place in a post-pandemic New York City, where you assume the role of a government agent in charge of r...
for a closer look, it wasn’t to see what I could learn about what happened here, but to see if a loot chest was nestled between the coffins. By the story’s conclusion, hardly anything is resolved, and instead sets The Division up for as many small narratives as it needs for future...
《全境封锁2(Tom Clanc's The Division 2)》是一款由Massive Entertainment制作Ubisoft发行的第三人称...
about the game as well. But if all the push and pull for and against has kept you away from taking the plunge, now’s your chance to give the open world shooter a spin — for free. Ubisoft has announced afree weekendforThe Divisionfor PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC (via UPlay)....
After over a year of crippling performance issues, broken gameplay mechanics and poor quality of life for players, Tom Clancy's The Division has been massively improved, and now stands ...
IT之家 4 月 21 日消息,育碧在近期的 Division Day 直播活动中,公布了《全境封锁 2》(The Division 2)的 Year 5 计划路线图。路线图第一赛季将于今年 6 月启动,引入全新的 Descent 游戏模式。游戏媒体 ggrecon 表示,育碧将于 4 月 21 日开始,在公共 PC 测试服务器上提供部分新功能。IT之家注:...