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Still...after reading through all the patch notes for phase 2, I'm a bit underwhelmed at the changes to exotics. Mostly it's just damage increases. I was hoping for some of the less-useful exotics getting changes to make them interesting. Passive damage increases are strong, but not inte...
A strong story and brilliant RPG systems make Warlords of New York a real shot in the arm for The Division 2, but a lot of initial excitement is soaked up by bullet-sponge enemies in the endgame.
fighting against Black Tusk and other enemy factions to reestablish order in the ruined city. To progress through Division 1, you must complete complex missions and gear up your character with powerful items. Our Division 1 boosting services will help you achieve any goal, ensuring a smoother jo...
(Image credit: Private Division) Phil Savage: Here's a phenomenon that I've noticed about Top 100 voting over the years: A disappointing sequel can also ruin the placement of its better, more beloved predecessor. It's almost as if the stink of the sequel's failure taints our perception ...
Germany was experiencing the pains of rebirth after the devastation of war – further exacerbated by the division of the country itself, which made it a battleground for opposing Cold War forces. However, while Italy also produced a progressive scene that was amazing in terms of both quantity an...
The Division 2 – PC Again I am not sure why… but I never latched onto this one as hard as I thought I would. For awhile I was using it as a methadone for Anthem… and then I stopped using it at all. I am sure at some point I will cycle back around to this one but I mi...
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