Furthermore, systematically more positive initial 蔚Nd values in detritus-contaminated Archean BIFs relative to respective dissolved seawater loads suggest that weathered and eroded material of (ultra)mafic rock suites had significant impact on the suspended and dissolved fractions in Archean seawater....
One way to get salt is to place seawater in a shallow basin and leave it until it evaporates(蒸发). 【小题2】 Much gold and silver drift dissolved in the waters of the sea, too. But the sea does not give them up by simple evaporation. Other gifts from the sea...
Water is not only a powerful drink but also a universal solvent. As such, it has the ability to dissolve and absorb molecules from a number of substances. These dissolved particles in a volume of water are the total dissolved solids (TDS) level. TDS has two forms, organic and...
A dissolved conservative substance was placed in the sea area where the aquaculture area was located, which would be carried by the water body and could not be degraded. The convection and diffusion of the conservative matter directly reflect the form of movement of the water body. Based on ...
The immediate impact of increased atmospheric CO2 concentrations is an increase in global temperatures. A secondary impact of increased atmospheric CO2 concentrations is ocean deoxygenation16,36. Warmer water holds less dissolved oxygen. Additionally, warmer temperatures are generally associated with increased...
Many techniques have been used for the removal of calcium and magnesium from water, wastewater, and seawater, such as chemical precipitation [8,9], electrochemical precipitation [10,11], adsorption [12,13], electrolysis [14,15], electrodialysis [16,17], reverse osmosis [18], nanofiltration [...
When the surrounding water is more acidic, the cells in a fish’s skin will naturally try to balance with the seawater by taking in the weak acid. This changes the acidity levels in the fish’s blood, which is not good for the fish. They then expend a lot of energy to get the ...
Pollution is a major problem facing the ocean. Industrial wastewater, household waste, pesticide residues, and other pollutants are continuously discharged into the ocean, leading to a continuous decline in seawater quality. This not only damages the living environment of marine organisms, but also po...
The vaporization process is generally obtained providing thermal load by using seawater or by burning a small part of the regasified LNG; the required thermal load, in fact, is about 1.5–1.7% of the LNG energy content. A considerable quantity of energy can be recovered during the LNG ...
The high sediment discharge of the G-B system provides solid-phase elements that may be partially mobilized into the dissolved load when exposed to BoB seawater. Compiling modern sediment-element discharges within the G-B can also be used as a basis of comparison to future discharges to deduce...