Don't panic when you seethe disk is write-protectedon your USB drive. You can fix this by eitherremoving write protectionor using another disk. This works for USB, SD cards, and internal and external hard drives. How to Fix The Disk Is Write Protected in Windows 11/10/8/7 In this se...
可能1 硬盘有写保护功能,看看有没有开关 2 内部逻辑错误,有数据的话备份一下,然后重新格式化 3 也可能是病毒感染,杀一下毒试试
If you’re seeing an error notification saying that“The disk is write-protected”when using your USB flash drive, CD disc, SD memory card or some other devices, you’re not alone. Many Windows users are reporting about this problem as well. This notification stops you from formatting, copy...
When you see the error prompt "the disk is write protected" as soon as you plug in a peripheral storage device, this means that you cannot write or format the disk until this problem is solved. This usually happens in Windows version 7, 8, 8.1, and the latest Windows 10....
Therefore you got this messageThis Disk is write protected. Remove the write protection or use another disk. Does this message increase your heartbeat? Don’t be a heart attack patient for this ordinary matter. You can fix the USB stick easily. If your question ishow?The answer is to read...
SD cards, external hard drives, or USB flash drives are great devices to easily store a large amount of data and files. But have you ever received the error- "The disk is write-protected" when you try to make changes to any of the files stored? If yes, then we are here to help ...
2007-10-0511:51Udisk(Udisktoconfirmnowriteprotection switch)iswriteprotected,cannotbewrittenandformatted, therehasbeennoeffectivewaytosolvethenetworkmigration, Honggezhu( Fundamentalsolution: First,mycomputer(rightclick)-Management-diskmanagement ...
Fix 1: Check the Disk for Errors To tacklethe media is write protected, another solution is to perform a full disk scan of the problematic drive. Here are two ways on how tocheck the status of the disk: Way 1: Run a Disk Scan in Windows Properties ...
I am presently using Publisher 2013 on Windows 8.1 on a Surface Pro 2. Last night when I opted to export a PDF from Publisher 2013 I received the error "The disk you are trying to save to is write protected.Make the disk read/write or use a different disk." My first in depth attem...