THE discovery of gold on the Witwatersrand was made in the year 1885. The growth of the field was at first slow. Some of the earliest workers believed that the auriferous gravel, exposed in shallow open workings, was a superficial deposit of the nature of the alluvial "placers" of ...
There was continued pressure on the Boers, as following the discovery of gold in the Transvaal in 1885 at Witwatersrand Reef there was a rush of non-Boer settlers, uitlanders. The new settlers were poorly regarded by the Boers and in return there was pressure to remove their government. In...
London, 1937.—A History of the Discovery of the Witwatersrand Goldfields. Johannesburg, 1940. Google Scholar Harries (C. L.), The Law and Customs of the Bapedi and Cognate Tribes of the Transvaal. Johannesburg, 1929. Google Scholar Jacobson (D.), Fifty Golden Years of the Rand. ...
'Bacterioform' gold and secondary gold crystals are common in quartz pebble conglomerates (QPC), where they are often associated with bituminous organic matter possibly derived from cyanobacteria. This may suggest that cyanobacteria have played a role in the formation of the Witwatersrand QPC, the ...
Share on Facebook Witwatersrand Thesaurus Medical Encyclopedia Wikipedia Wit·wa·ters·rand (wĭt-wô′tərz-rănd′, -ränd′, -wŏt′ərz-)Often calledRand(rănd) A region of northeast South Africa between the Vaal River and Johannesburg. It has been one of the richest gold-mi...
The when, how and by whom controversy of Wits gold discovery One of the most curious realities of South Africa's mining history is that the precise details relating to the discovery of gold on the Witwatersrand, an event that was to irrevocably alter the economic and sociopolitical trajectory ...
The diamond fields of Kimberley and the beautiful land of Natal were robbed from us, and now they want the goldfields of the Witwatersrand … Brother AfrikanersI The day is at hand on which great deeds are expected of us – War has broken out ! What is it to be ? A wasted and ...
If you own any gold, there is about a 50% chance it comes from the Witwatersrand Basin in South Africa. Gold was first discovered there in 1886, and it is speculated that the discovery may have only been possible because of an asteroid impact. The Vredefort crater, the world’s largest...
The Cambridge History of South Africa This book surveys South African history from the discovery of gold in the Witwatersrand in the late nineteenth century to the first democratic elections in 1994. Written by many of the leading historians of the country, it pulls together... EBC Hamilton,BK...
(Placename) a city in N South Africa; the capital of Gauteng province: South Africa's largest city and chief industrial centre; grew with the establishment in 1886 of the gold-mining industry; University of Witwatersrand (1922). Pop: 957 441 (2011) ...