The planet was later for a time called Herschel in honour of its discoverer. The name Uranus, which was first proposed by the German astronomer Johann Elert Bode, was in use by the late 19th century. Uranus is a giant in construction, but not so much in size; its diameter compares unfav...
William, discoverer of the planet Uranus, was appointed the Astrono- mer Royal by King George III, Caroline joined him as his full time assistant, building telescopes, making notes and working lengthy calculations while he scoured the night sky. In her spare ...
John Quincy Adams served the United States in many capacities, as diplomat, Senator, Secretary of State, Sixth President of the United States, and lastly as a member of the House of Representatives. He was one of the earliest leaders of the United States to take a pro-active role in the ...
The planet was later for a time called Herschel in honour of its discoverer. The name Uranus, which was first proposed by the German astronomer Johann Elert Bode, was in use by the late 19th century.Uranus is a giant in construction, but not so much in size; its diameter compares ...
Many simply called the planet Herschel, after its discoverer. By the mid-1800s the agreed-upon name of Uranus came into common usage, which Bode had proposed as more consistent with the mythological names of the other planets. The Greek god of the heavens, Uranus was an early supreme god ...
The planet thus was known in English in 1780s as theGeorgian Planet; but that name naturally never caught on "amongst foreigners." French astronomers began calling itHerschelin honor of the discoverer, and German astronomer Johann Bode proposedUranusas in conformity with other planet names, and ...
Charon: Pluto's dwarf planet partner Clyde W. Tombaugh, discoverer of Pluto (Image credit: Academy of Achievement) Tombaugh remained at Lowell Observatory until the advent of World War II, when he was called into service teaching navigation to the U.S. Navy at Arizona State College. After ...
sidus (Star of George) in honour of his royal patron King George III of Great Britain. The planet was later for a time called Herschel in honour of its discoverer. The name Uranus, which was first proposed by the German astronomer Johann Elert Bode, was in use by the late 19th century...
"This morning, the ultimate dream of a planet watcher was come true: all of the planets condensed before me into one straightforward, nowhere peripheral view. It struck me like nine-branched lightning, held me still as a (deeply breathing) statue. All the planets at once."...
1.(Astron.)The planet Uranus, so named by its discoverer, Sir W. Herschel. Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co. Want to thank TFD for its existence?Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, or visitthe webmaster's page for free fun...