Mccomb, R.A.Smith, Donald BellJournal of UrologyMcComb RA, Smith DB. A case of melanotic sarcoma of the adrenal glands with a secondary tumour in the bladder . J Urol 1933; 2013 :49–59McComb RA, Smith DB. A case of melanotic sarcoma of the adrenal glands with a secondary tumour ...
Bell; Gloster B. Current. Group II, Box C-2 0411 Birmingham, Alabama, 1947. 110 pp. Major Topics: Membership campaign; voter registration; bombing of home of Samuel and Essie Mae Matthews; opposition to "Birmingham plan"; discrimination in public facilities; Birmingham Negro Business League; ...
Qiu, S., McComb, A., Bell, R., and Davis, J.: Leaf-litter applica- tion to a sandy soil modifies phosphorus leaching over the wet season of southwestern Australia, Hydrobiologia, 545, 33-44, doi:10.1007/s10750-005-1826-5, 2005....
D E McCombS D BellElsevier Inc.American Journal of OphthalmologyMCCOMB, D. E. & BELL, S. D. (1967). The application of an in vitro typing test to TRIC Bedsoniae. American Journal of Ophthalmology 63, 1429.McComb, D. E., and S. D. Bell, Jr. 1967. The application of an in ...
Following a 20-Song QiuRichard BellRichard HobbsArthur McCombSitaram PantaJin Jing Huang
Kidney Research UK (Innovation Grant IN02/2013).doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(17)30482-8Rutherford, ElaineBell, ElizabethMangion, KennethPatel, Rajan KMcComb, ChristieMark, Patrick BElsevier LtdThe Lancet