In fact, the moisture transport in porous materials is a two-phase flow; consisting of the vapour and the liquid phase. The two corresponding parameters are the diffusion coefficient and the hydraulic conductivity. By means of an inverse approach, these two coefficients are experimentally determined...
1993].SF6isanidealtracerowingtoitslackofchemical and biologicalreactivity,lownaturallevels,andlowdetectionlimit usinggaschromatography withelectroncapturedetection.The resultsofSF6studies havebeenusedasthebasisforderiving andtestingageneralrelationship betweenwindspeedandthe gasexchangecoefficientk,where Flux=k(C-C...
Different fitting procedures for determination of the diffusion coefficient are compared. Because of the finite time, which is necessary for pressure increase in a sorption experiment, the influence of pressure increase rate is also studied. This analysis reveals that an aspect ratio larger than 32 ...
Some aspects such as the possibility to access flexible shipping strategies, the growth of the spot market, and floating regasification technology have allowed the large diffusion of different LNG supply options, especially in countries with an emergent economy. The same advantages are exploited by ...
Atomically thin two-dimensional (2D) materials are ideal host systems for quantum defects as they offer easier characterisation, manipulation and read-out of defect states as compared to bulk defects. Here we introduce the Quantum Point Defect (QPOD) dat
17. Permeation, Diffusion, and Sorption of Gases and Vapors This chapter describes the permeation, diffusion, and sorption of gases and vapors. The principal alternative to permeation rate measurements for transport coefficient determinations is the direct measurement of the rate of uptake or los......
In this paper, inviscid compressible flow of an ideal gas is solved with high-order spectral/ℎ𝑝hp stabilized formulations using uniform high-order spectral element methods. The Euler equations are solved with high-order spectral element methods. Traditional definitions of stabilization parameters ...
The results show that the flame propagation velocity and the peak pressure of methane explosion propagation with concentration gradient increase exponentially compared with that with uniform concentration. Wingerden et al. [7] conducted an experimental study on the effect of moisture on suppressing gas ...
where vapor pressurepvscan be expressed through density (vapor concentration)ρvsin accordance with Mendeleev-Clapeyron equation, since the vapor-air mixture under the atmospheric pressure is considered the ideal gas (coefficientDis the diffusion coefficient for gas-vapor mixture, parameterBMis the Spalding...
Impey introduced a conceptual model to rationalize the observed changes in diffusion coefficient for a series of monovalent monoatomic ions [44]. In this model, the cation-water interactions result in the formation of a hydration shell which moves with the cation and makes the cation effectively ...