During sustained muscle contraction, an interval of reduced activity follows an electrical cutaneous stimulus, called the cutaneous silent period (CSP). To evoke a CSP, a single stimulus must be painful. We used single sural nerve stimuli to evoke a CSP in ipsilateral soleus muscle, and studied...
These paired samples were then separated, randomized, and assembled individually on another tape recording and presented as single stimuli to the same judges. The results of the statistical analysis indicated that the fluent utterances of treated stutterers was perceptibly different from the fluent ...
Guided by gut sensory cues, humans and animals prefer nutritive sugars over non-caloric sweeteners, but how the gut steers such preferences remains unknown. In the intestine, neuropod cells synapse with vagal neurons to convey sugar stimuli to the brain within seconds. Here, we found that cholecy...
You were able to control both the stimulus intensity and the stimulus frequency. What is the difference between these two things? How does a nerve impulse passes along a neuron? Describe the events that take place when the action potential spreads throughout the axon terminal...
Can someone be both delicate and sensitive? Yes, a person can be both delicate and sensitive, indicating they may be physically fragile and emotionally responsive. 5 Why is it important to understand the difference between delicate and sensitive? Understanding the difference helps in appropriate respo...
(15, 1649) = 6.03,p< 0.001). Post-hoc pair-wise comparisons of the effect of proficiency using the Turkey HSD test reveal significant differences between L1 and intermediate L2 (p< 0.001), and L1 and advanced L2 (p< 0.001), but no significant difference between the intermediate and ...
RT is defined as the difference in time between the stimulus onset on the screen and the first keypress, while MT is the time between the end of the RT interval and the last keypress. We analyzed only the correct trials’ RT and MT, trials with pressing the wrong key, or pressing ...
Related to Stimulus Threshold: subthreshold stimulusabsolute threshold n (Psychology) psychol the minimum intensity of a stimulus at which it can just be perceived. Compare difference threshold Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 19...
However, when multiple KOLs are identified, is there a difference between the different KOLs? Therefore, this paper integrates and classifies a variety of factors, and then constructs a systematic KOL evaluation system to analyze the difference between different factors on KOL ability and the ranking...
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