The latter can be effectively controlled by ferritin via sequestration and ferroxidase activity. These homeostatic adjustments have been shown to be effective in the protection of endothelium against the damaging effects of heme and oxidants; lack of adaptation in an iron-rich environment led to ...
Inhibitory effects of dietary calcium on the initial uptake and subsequent retention of heme and nonheme iron in humans: comparisons using an intestinal la... Background: Calcium is the only reported dietary inhibitor of both heme- and nonheme-iron absorption. It has been proposed that the 2 ...
(1993) A non-heme iron protein with heme tendencies: An investigation of the substrate specificity of thymine hydroxylase. Biochemistry 32, 14023-14033.Thornburg, L. D., Lai, M. T., Wishnok, J. S., and Stubbe, J. (1993). A non-heme iron protein with heme tendencies: An ...
(a) Cytochrome P450 catalytic cycle. The cycle begins with the binding of a substrate, which increases the redox potential of the ferric heme iron (1). The iron (FeIII) accepts the first electron from the redox partner protein [RP], and the redox complex dissociates (2). The ferrous iro...
Ferrous Active Site of Isopenicillin N Synthase: Genetic and Sequence Analysis of the Endogenous Ligands Isopenicillin N synthase (IPNS) from Streptomyces jumonjinensis (M(r) 37 902) is a non-heme ferrous iron-containing enzyme that catalyzes the oxidative cyc... I Borovok,O Landman,R Kreisbe...
Iron can cause oxidative stress and DNA damage, and heme iron can catalyze endogenous formation of N-nitroso compounds, which are potent carcinogens. Dietary iron promotes esophageal cancer incidence in animal studies and has been identified as a growth factor for Helicobacter pylori, an established ...
This study demonstrates seasonality in the composition of faecal microbiota obtained from hunter-gatherers, which corresponds to the availability of different types of foods, and delineates the difference between this population and the industrialized population. Article CAS PubMed PubMed Central Google ...
class of mononuclear non-heme iron oxygenases (MNOs) contain a highly conserved iron center facially ligated by two histidine nitrogen atoms and one carboxylate oxygen atom that leave one face of the metal center (three binding sites) open for coordination to cofactor, substrate, and/or dioxygen...
Meat and Heme Iron Intake and Risk of Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Upper Aero-Digestive Tract in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and N... BACKGROUND: Evidence from prospective studies on intake of meat and fish and risk of squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the upper aero-...
Liver cirrhosis has two basic stages. If you find out you have it, your doctor will tell you what stage you're in. Depending on how well your liver is working, they'll say it's either “compensated” or “decompensated.” Which one it is makes a difference in the kind of treatment ...