The device is being used by another application. Please close any devices that are playing audio to this device and then try again. The application that stops running due to the error cannot be used, in most cases. These issues stop microphones, speakers, headphones from getting used. You...
Another method that might solve the problem and fix the "The device is being used by another application. Please close any devices that are playing audio to this device and then try again." error is to disable the "Allow applications to take exclusive control of this device" option....
尊敬的华硕用户,您好!根据您的描述,"the camera is used by another program"通常是由于其它程序调用了摄像头,病毒或系统文件引起的,建议您参考以下信息:1、在“设备管理器”---图像设备---USB 2.0 camera---右键点击---选择“禁用”,然后再“启用”试试看。2、下载安装Virtual camera软件安...
1,您可以开机按F2,在advanced项sata configuration,查看当前的硬盘模式。按F9恢复BIOS默认值,然后查看sata configuration的模式是否和之前一样,不一样要调整一样。然后按F10保存。2,更新到最新的BIOS版本。更新步骤,您可以参考下面连接。因为更新BIOS有风险,可能会导致无法开机。建议联系服务中心更新BIOS...
Not much that can be done when Rufus especially indicates that "The device is in use by another process".Youwill need to find what process is accessing the drive and prevent it to do so. It may be a security solution or one of the software listed at theend of the FAQ. ...