topology (təˈpɒlədʒɪ) n 1.(Mathematics) the branch of mathematics concerned with generalization of the concepts of continuity, limit, etc 2.(Mathematics) a branch of geometry describing the properties of a figure that are unaffected by continuous distortion, such as stretching ...
Point-set topology grew out ofCantor's studies of sets of real numbers. As such, its central aim is to provide an appropriate context for generalizing such properties of the real numbers as theBolzano- Weierstrassproperty(波尔查诺-维尔斯特拉斯性质,也叫聚点定理)and theHeine-Borel property(海涅...
由此,etale topology 的雏形才真正形成。 把scheme 当成一个可表函子来看待完全是一个创新,相关理论除了参考 FGA 外(Hilbert scheme, Picard scheme, Quotient scheme 等的构造就用到了这个观点),其他比较基础的介绍可以参考 Eisenbud 跟 Harris 和著的 The Geometry of Schemes 的最后一章,那里面讲得很清楚,我...
For general questions about modelling/development on GAMA you can either ask them in thediscussionsof this repository or on themailing list There are a few tutorials explaining how to create new functionalities in gama that you can find in thedeveloping extensionssection of the website, and one ...
Topology optimization is employed to define the layout of the block section, prescribing constraints on the block stiffness under in-plane and out-of-plane loads. Blocks of square or rectangular cross-section, either with flat or indented sides, are considered in the applications. The influence ...
5GBB network topology The access rate per port for 5GBB networks will be 1-to-10Gbps, but most users won’t need such high speeds all the time. If multiple users can share one port, a lot of network construction costs would be saved, with the power consumption of network devices reduce...
Microglia constitute the largest population of parenchymal macrophages in the brain and are considered a unique subset of central nervous system glial cells owing to their extra-embryonic origins in the yolk sac. During development, microglial progenitors readily proliferate and eventually colonize the ent...
Wow. There is a lot going on here. There are four node types and two layers of logical groupings. Topology #2 Nice. Simple. There is one node type. Which document database would you choose? Which one is going to be easier to deploy?
After reaching stationary flow at a strain of about 0.4, dislocation density and network composition (topology) remain stationary within statistical noise. Extended Data Figure 7 Network evolution along a stepwise increase in the strain rates. The number of binary junctions along a stepwise strain ...
For the understanding of how growth modes finally result in a particular variety in topological patterns, model studies may provide indispensible tools. These studies imply the mathematical formulation of growth models and the development of statistical procedures to compare model predictions with observed...