Anderson, "The development of the HyShot flight program," in Proceedings of the 24th International Symposium on Shock Waves, Beijing, China, 2005.Paull, A.; Alesi, H.; Anderson, S., 2005. The development of the HyShot flight program. In: Proceedings of the 24th International Symposium on ...
The HyShot Flight Program which involves the world's first flight tests of a scramjet using supersonic combustion was designed by UQ. 校园 The Forgan Smith Building and the Great Court The University of Queensland Great Court UQ Steele Building and The Great Court. St Lucia campus UQ was estab...
Alesi, and S. Anderson, "The development of the HyShot flight program," in Proceedings of the 24th International Symposium on Shock Waves, Beijing, China, 2005.Paull, A.; Alesi, H.; Anderson, S., 2005. The development of the HyShot flight program. In: Proceedings of the 24th ...
This paper discusses the approach and ground testing that was implemented in the recent successful HyShot Flight Program in which supersonic combustion was achieved in flight for approximately 5 seconds at the Woomera Prohibited Area (WPA), Woomera, Australia. Experimental results of the fuel and ...
. The advantage of LH2as a propellant in the space sector has emerged from the relatively high energy density of hydrogen per unit volume, enabling it to store more energy compared to conventional fuels. Hydrogen also has the potential to decarbonise space flight as combustion of LH2fuel ...