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The Development of Instrumental Music Until the sixteenth century, almost all music was written for the voice rather than for musical instruments. Even during the Renaissance (from the fourteenth to the sixteenth century), instrumental music was, for the most part, the result of substituting an in...
1、The DeVelOPment Of Instrumental MUSiC【Paragraph 1 】Until the SiXteenth century, almost all music WaS Written for the VOiCe rather than for musical instruments EVen during the Renaissance(from the fourteenth to the SiXteenth century), inStrUmental music was, for the most part, the result Of ...
The Development of Instrumental Music Until the sixteenth century, almost all music was written for the voice rather than for musical instruments. Even during the Renaissance (from the fourteenth to the sixteenth century), instrumental music was, for the most part, the result of substituting an ...
The Development of Instrumental Music【Paragraph 1】Until the sixteenth century, almost all music was written for the voice rather than for musical instruments. Even during the Renaissance(from the fourteenth to the sixteenth century), instrumental music was, for the most part, the result of substi...
The Development of Instrumental Music Until the sixteenth century, almost all music was written for the voice rather than for musical instruments. Even during the Renaissance (from the fourteenth to the sixteenth century), instrumental music was, for the most part, the result of substituting an in...
musical traditions of Asia and Africa. Not surprisingly, the rise of instrumental music was accompanied by improvements in instruments and refinements in tuning Indeed, instrumental music came to dominate musical composition at the very moment that Western musicians were perfecting such stringed ...