a state-of-the-art talk series to enhance quality of life 先進內容講座系列,以提升生活素質 a value-added free-of-charge service for members 為會員提供增值的免費服務
Tea, a humble yet profound beverage, stands as a cultural symbol, embodying a unique facet of Chinese heritage. The production of tea, the intricate rituals of tea drinking, and the tools associated with it serve as med...
In Shandong, other than the popular Rizhao green tea, there is also an ongoing development of new varieties like new black tea and flower tea." 随着人类社会和文明的不断发展,茶饮文化也在不断拓展。现代中国茶承载着深刻的内涵,既可以是一种简单...
During the Tang Dynasty (618 - 907), tea drinking became widespread among the upper classes, and the art of tea making and brewing began to take shape. The famous tea master Lu Yu wrote "The Classic of Tea," which laid the foundation for the development of Chinese tea culture. In the...
TheinfluenceofChineseteaculturehasbeenintertwined(交织)withthenationthroughoutmuchofitshistory.It(1)was added(add)totheUNESCOlistofintangibleculturalheritage(非物质文化遗产)onNov29,2022.Traditionalteaprocessingtechniquesconsistoftheknowledge,skillsandpractices.Thesetraditionaltechniquesare(2)basically(basic)foundin...
根据上文“With the development of Chinese society and economy, the scale of tea production has been increasing.”(随着中国社会经济的发展,茶叶生产规模不断扩大。)根据下文“In turn, tea production promotes economic development and tea culture promotes social progress.”(反过来,茶叶生产促进经济发展,茶...
T ea and tea culture have been an intrinsic part of Chinese history and society for centuries. Tea, teawares, and drinking vessels are an important and unique window into the evolution of Chinese culture. Two Sotheby’s auctions this month, Tea Treasures – Rare Vintage and Premium Puerh | ...
i would like to share some fascinating aspects of the tea culture of china. in a country with the history of five thousand years, the chinese tea drinking habit dated back to the tang dynasty (618-907ad). it became a national tradition and led to development of a delicate tea drinking...
is the history of significant Chinese culture. 发于神农, Tea was invented by Patron of Agriculture. 汉《神农本草经》记载“神农尝百草, Shennong’s Herbal Classic of the Han Dynasty recorded that “Shennong tasted a hundred herbs, 日遇七十二毒, at seventy case of drugs, 得茶而解...
21. Tea. 22. Tea, coffee and cocoa. 23. Over a thousand years. 24. Because of the mild climate and rich soil. 25. Chinese tea culture is rich and profound, including tea planting, picking, making, drinking, and sayings, songs, poems and novels about tea. 21. 文章第一句就点明了主题...