出现错误类似: modelsim 仿真fifo时出现 Error: (vsim-3033) E:/Programs/ModelSim/fifo/ps2_fifo.v(75): Instantiation of 'scfifo' failed. The design unit was not found. 仿真波形不对,调用的ip核没有输出(白色虚线)等情况,都是因为没有在仿真工程中加入ip宏的.V文件: 例子:调用了一个shift register,...
ModelSim 语言Verilog (没设置则不会生产simulation文件夹)点击finish 新建verilog文件编译编写仿真文件testbench 编写成功打开simulation文件下的.vt文件file->open->simulation->;modelsim->water_led.vt 编写testbench文件编译进行仿真设置
Instantiation of ‘***‘ failed. The design unit was not found,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
因为你使用了MegaWizard生成的FIFO,“scfifo”就是调用的Megafunction名称。在仿真时,其他文件都编译好后,在命令行输入如下内容:vsim -L altera_mf_ver work.test_bench_sim。其中altera_mf_ver是verilog版的mf库,使用MegaWizard生成所用的功能在里面都有。work.test_bench_sim中:work是你使用的...
用modelsim 仿真ram遇到提示: # ERROR: No extended dataflow license exists 再往下滑动找到error提示: Instantiation of 'RAM' failed. The design unit was not found 原来我在工程里面的测试对象是ram,但是我在测试的testbench文件里面例化时用的是RAM,所以修改下代码: ...
The design unit was not found.# Region: /Oversample# Searched libraries:# C:\altera design\Lein\Oversample1\simulation\modelsim\gate_work# ** Error: (vsim-3033) Oversample.vo(112): Instantiation of 'maxii_io' failed. The design unit was not found.# Region: ...
https://forums.intel.com/s/question/0D50P00004YzAZI/modelsim-error-on-altdualboot-and-alteraonchipflashblock-error-vsim3033-instantiation-of-alteraonchipflashblock-failed-the-design-unit-was-not-found I tried to perform the actions as written in the pos...
** Error: (vsim-3033)...Instantiation of 'Xilinx's PRIMITIVE' failed. The design unit was not found. Hi, I'm trying to simulate MIG controller (generated using Vivado 2013.4) in ModelSim 10.2c. I have compiled the simulation library and have i...
All other tools are Open Source. ℹ️ indicates that the community does not recommend to use this tool for new projects anymore. The icon links to the discussion issue. ⚠️ means that this tool was not updated for more than 1 year, or the repo was archived....
VHDL Instantiation Unit `uselib Verilog Directive xelab, xvhdl, and xvlog xsim Command Options Simulating the Design Snapshot, xsim xsim Executable Syntax xsim Executable Options Example of Running Vivado Simulator in Standalone Mode Step 1: Analyzing the Design File ...