The future timeline event was the continuation into completion of the Michael Wars from space that was finally going to manifest on the planetary surface to complete the warring cycle of the Luciferian Rebellion. This would be one of the final culminations of the massive conflict between ...
In Latin, the word "Lucifer", meaning "Light-Bringer" (from lux, lucis, "light", and ferre, "to bear, bring"), is a name for the "Morning Star" (the planet Venus in its dawn appearances). The Latin Vulgate version of the Bible used this word twice to refer to the Morning Star...
Steve Quayletells us that the anti-diluvian giants of the Book of Enoch –the original cannibals – are awakening under the Antarctic ice. The Vatican has set up a powerful south-facing telescope in Arizona which it calls Lucifer, at a time when even NASA is admitting the possibility that ...
The Dead Sea Scrolls provide a physical description of one of the Watchers in the scroll entitled;The Testament of Amram. Amram was the father of Moses. In this narrative he receives a vision, in which he sees the Chief Angel of Darkness, named Melkiresha. Amram also encounters the Watcher...
The Apostle Paul uses two didactic devices to highlight the danger and seriousness of consciously pursuing temptations: firstly, he uses the example of natural Israel during their wanderings in the desert; and secondly, he reminds us of the underlying meaning and significance of partaking of the ...
“The day Musk had done that salute is the same day Werner von Braun’s wife died…” “Don’t trust Elon just like I don’t trust Trump and RFK Jr.” “More bad appointments.Drumpf needs to answer for this.” “So many in government think they’re just going skate into the sunset...
The Bible best description of a dinosaur is in Job 40:15-24. Job is a very old book, probably written around 2000 B.C. Here God describes one of the larger dinosaurs. It is said to be describing a Brachiosaurus. It is a giant plant eating animal with strong bones. It is not afraid...
The pictures of Sheila Rock and Syd Barrett, taken by Mick Rock, can be found on the hereticMadcappage of Please note that the description of the pictures is wrong and that the woman on the picture is not Iggy.
1 In context, the "work wrought" is God's re-ordering of creation in the Second Heaven and Earth, repairing the damage which was inflicted on the First Heaven and Earth as a result of Lucifer's revolt in heaven, causing it to be "without form and void." This occurred between Genesis...
6uild 6ack 6etter,Agenda 2030,Awakening Humanity,Awareness,Battle Between Good and Evil,Black Suns (Order of the Black Suns),Brotherhood of the Snake,Cabal,Crimes Against Humanity,Donald Trump,Enslavement,evil,False Narratives,Government,Luciferianism,Mainstream Media Propaganda,Mind Control,New World...