They even made refrence to AC5 in Zero if you listen to the lyrics of the chior and listen to the Razgriz theme during the SOLG mission. The spanish style fits the game like gold. I like that they tried something diffrent. I hope Ace Combat Infinity is just as good! Guest Reviewer ...
Following theabrupt shut-down of the firstCity of Heroesrogue server yesterday, the game’s community has been in turmoil as leaders urged patience. Now, it’s been made clear why, as the Titan Network has finally announced it’s beennegotiating directly with NCsoftto open a ...
26 寻奶幼犬子建 22 61.1% 36.53h 26 ( L゜ω。) 22 61.1% 398.90h 26 demon万 22 61.1% 180.22h 26 益达Lydia 22 61.1% 153.60h 27 [L9] Ace Of Razgriz 21 58.3% 326.22h 27 100%OFF 21 58.3% 300.92h 27 导管大王 21 58.3% 17.28h 27 DogsGoWoof 21 58.3% 0.00h ©...