An empirical analysis of the definitional elements of away from home traveling expense deductions /Typescript. Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Mississippi, 1984. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 159-161). Vita.doi:10.1016/B978-0-444-63269-2.00071-4Fahnestock...
The term “evidence” can, secondly, refer to a proposition of fact that is established by evidence in the first sense.[5]This is sometimes called an “evidential fact”. That the accused was at or about the scene of the crime at the relevant time is evidence in the second sense of hi...
This study is written as an intertextual interpretation of the fictions of two authors, Vitaliano Trevisan and Thomas Bernhard, connecting them by the notion of "collapse" that is contained in the title of both works: ...
This article seeks to generate a more precise understanding of the emergence and perpetuation of warlords. First, it offers a simple, intuitive, and empiri
3 Lemkin’s Unwanted Shortcomings and Some Theoretical Considerations about the Definition of “Genocide” 4 Rethinking the Concept of Cultural Genocide under International Law 5 Gender and Genocide Section II: Forms 6“Now We Are Natives”: The Genocide of the Beothuk People and the Politics...
publications per journal, industry and geographical distribution), as well as qualitative elements, which could lead to the identification of a future research agenda (Rauch2020; Bacq et al.2021; Kraus et al.2023). This approach seeks to meaningfully synthesize existing works, laying a foundational...
It later partially merged with a version of Cuzeian theism, and the resulting union has spread to perhaps a third of Eretald, under the name of Eleďát. This creates the problem of what to call the Post-Caďinorian religion or religions. This definitional concern is most acute for ...
JanieA.Chuang * INTRODUCTION Withinthespaceofonlyadozenyears,theproblemofhuman traffickinghasassumedaprominentplaceongovernmentandadvocacy agendasworldwide.Increasinglyreferredtoas“modernslavery,”the phenomenonhasspawnedrapidproliferationofinternational,regional,and ...
The Titanic issue made the deficiencies of maritime law in regard to shipwrecks blatantly obvious. The 1958 Hague Convention on the High Seas did not explicitly refer to shipwrecks; however, the interpretation of its provisions relating to high seas has led to a more general understanding that “...
This is what it means to be a macho man [75,76,77,78,79]. In summary, the seven key elements of the macho man include: Unrelieved and unexpressed distress is intensified by the socializer until it is released as anger. Fear-expression and fear-avoidance are inhibited through parental ...