Define Water Scarcity. Water Scarcity synonyms, Water Scarcity pronunciation, Water Scarcity translation, English dictionary definition of Water Scarcity. also drouth n. 1. A long period of abnormally low rainfall, especially one that adversely affects g
What is the definition of scarcity?EconomicsEconomics is the subject matter that explains the existence of scarcity in the world. It includes the explanation about how the resources should be allocated to different sections in the society so that everyone is as much better off as possible....
Define Economic scarcity. Economic scarcity synonyms, Economic scarcity pronunciation, Economic scarcity translation, English dictionary definition of Economic scarcity. n. pl. scar·ci·ties 1. Insufficiency of amount or supply; shortage: a scarcity of
Maps of the historical (1979–2019) means of each annual rainfall measure. a, The annual total rainfall. b, The monthly rainfall deviations (a weighted annual sum of anomalies of monthly rainfall from their climatological means which are, by definition, zero mean). c, The number of wet days...
The import, in essence, reduces the water demand in domestic food production. Allan (1997) termed the food import for compensating the water scarcity as ‘virtual water’. In recent years, the definition of virtual water has been expanded to refer to the water that is required for the ...
However, a consensus on a specific definition for world-class megalopolis has yet to be reached. It is generally agreed that the common features of the world-class megalopolis should include: densely clustered cities and non-agricultural population, sufficiently large economic size, highly developed ...
Definition of variables Energy poverty Okushima assesses energy poverty through a direct measure of energy service use, exploring the regional characteristics of energy or fuel poverty in Japan through a new methodology. The measure is a calorific relative poverty measure with multiple thresholds reflecti...
Tracing the carbon and water of the supply chain out of the urban agglomeration requires a comprehensive regional inventory, but water-consumption data for the regions are not currently available in China for 2012. In addition, due to the different backgrounds, the definition of a city in China...
Define stringency. stringency synonyms, stringency pronunciation, stringency translation, English dictionary definition of stringency. adj. 1. Imposing rigorous standards of performance; severe: stringent safety measures. 2. Constricted; tight: operating
2005). Another problem is the definition of “plant-available P”, as there are major differences among plant species (Lambers et al. 2006) and even crop varieties (Pang et al. 2018a) regarding their ability to access different soil P pools. Phosphorus acquisition by cover crops Plant ...