Define Water Scarcity. Water Scarcity synonyms, Water Scarcity pronunciation, Water Scarcity translation, English dictionary definition of Water Scarcity. also drouth n. 1. A long period of abnormally low rainfall, especially one that adversely affects g
Define scarf. scarf synonyms, scarf pronunciation, scarf translation, English dictionary definition of scarf. n. pl. scarves or scarfs 1. A long piece of cloth worn about the head, neck, or shoulders. 2. A decorative cloth for covering the top of a piece
Maps of the historical (1979–2019) means of each annual rainfall measure. a, The annual total rainfall. b, The monthly rainfall deviations (a weighted annual sum of anomalies of monthly rainfall from their climatological means which are, by definition, zero mean). c, The number of wet days...
The import, in essence, reduces the water demand in domestic food production. Allan (1997) termed the food import for compensating the water scarcity as ‘virtual water’. In recent years, the definition of virtual water has been expanded to refer to the water that is required for the ...
However, a consensus on a specific definition for world-class megalopolis has yet to be reached. It is generally agreed that the common features of the world-class megalopolis should include: densely clustered cities and non-agricultural population, sufficiently large economic size, highly developed ...
Fig. 1. Water’s definition as a good depends on excludability and rivalry. Once defined, water should be managed with either economic or community/political tools.[47],[14]. Fig. 1does not imply static or fixed uses, as water’s nature as a good can change. A utility, for instance,...
Definition of variables Energy poverty Okushima assesses energy poverty through a direct measure of energy service use, exploring the regional characteristics of energy or fuel poverty in Japan through a new methodology. The measure is a calorific relative poverty measure with multiple thresholds reflecti...
with water scarcity (and local community concerns to assure water quality) has also driven a transition to the use of brackish water or even sea water to leach copper, as the chloride required for efficient leaching may exceed the concentration of that in sea water by a factor of 3 or ...
Define Economic scarcity. Economic scarcity synonyms, Economic scarcity pronunciation, Economic scarcity translation, English dictionary definition of Economic scarcity. n. pl. scar·ci·ties 1. Insufficiency of amount or supply; shortage: a scarcity of
Define economic science. economic science synonyms, economic science pronunciation, economic science translation, English dictionary definition of economic science. Noun 1. economic science - the branch of social science that deals with the production an