Define Wizards. Wizards synonyms, Wizards pronunciation, Wizards translation, English dictionary definition of Wizards. n. 1. One who practices magic; a sorcerer or magician. 2. A skilled or clever person: a wizard at math. 3. Archaic A sage. adj. 1. Chi
Define vexes. vexes synonyms, vexes pronunciation, vexes translation, English dictionary definition of vexes. tr.v. vexed , vex·ing , vex·es 1. To irritate, bother, or frustrate: was vexed at the slow pace of reform. See Synonyms at annoy. 2. To cause
A procedural minimum definition is both too imprecise and yet, at the same time, incomplete. A morphological analysis helps explain why, and allows a version of contestability that can be defended against changes of relativism. In addition, at least in the case of 'democracy', we can invoke ...
(Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams) Founded in 1990, FIRST coordinates the efforts of dozens of CERTs, mostly governmental, from around the world. See CERT. Copyright © 1981-2019 by The Computer Language Company Inc. All Rights reserved. THIS DEFINITION IS FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY....
though the name may quite well be applied to that in which it is present, the definition cannot be applied. Yet of secondary substances, not only the name, but also the definition, applies to the subject: we should use both the definition of the species and that of the genus with refere...
While the awareness of the corporate world toward sustainability is growing, how to assess corporate environmental performance objectively and efficiently remains an open question. Here we estimate the relationship between company size and four environmental indicators to understand the environmental performance...
where Ru/l denote the magnetic reluctance of the partial gap that is above/below the coil. Using the definition of the self-inductance L=Nϕ0/I and expanding the fractions to second order in zc yields L=2πμ0N2ra(ha2wa−zc22waha). (20) which appears in the text as Eq. (11...
Background: Employment and job security are key influences on health and wellbeing. In Australia, little is known about the employment lifecycle of adults with dyslexia. Materials and Methods: Using a qualitative research design, this study sought to exp
The question of what defines a species has vexed scientists across the ages, particularly in conservation, where decisions require a firm understanding of biodiversity.
Define unvexed. unvexed synonyms, unvexed pronunciation, unvexed translation, English dictionary definition of unvexed. adj not annoyed or vexed Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991,