Define venous. venous synonyms, venous pronunciation, venous translation, English dictionary definition of venous. adj. 1. Of or relating to the veins in the body: venous circulation. 2. Of, relating to, or being the blood in the veins or pulmonary arter
Define venomous. venomous synonyms, venomous pronunciation, venomous translation, English dictionary definition of venomous. adj. 1. a. Secreting and transmitting venom: a venomous snake. b. Full of or containing venom: a venomous substance. 2. a. Malici
Define evils. evils synonyms, evils pronunciation, evils translation, English dictionary definition of evils. adj. e·vil·er , e·vil·est 1. Morally bad or wrong; wicked: an evil tyrant. 2. Causing ruin, injury, or pain; harmful: the evil effects of a
ven‧om‧ous /ˈvenəməs/ adjective 1 full of hatred or anger Lisa shot him a venomous glance. Reid reserved his most venomous attack for the Rail Authority.2 a venomous snake, insect etc produces poison SYN poisonous—venomously adverbExamples from the Corpus...
T: Timothy Tittle turned towards Tudor Towers, towing tons of traditional turtles. U: Ursula untangled unbridled urns. V: Victor Vice’s victory vanquished the villainous Vernon Verity’s venomous vipers. W: William Wallace wiggled worrying when Wendy Winkle winked. X: Xerophytes and Xylophones...
Define malevolence. malevolence synonyms, malevolence pronunciation, malevolence translation, English dictionary definition of malevolence. n. 1. The quality or state of being malevolent. 2. Malevolent behavior. American Heritage® Dictionary of the En
A. Word Definition1.reptiles:cold-blooded scaly animals of a class including snake,lizard and crocodile.2.recoil:to start back,to shrink from.3.cobra:a highly venomous snake from Africa and Asia,able to dilate its neck like a hood when excited....
ofcopiesof anewspaperormagazinethat are usuallysoldeach day, week,monthetccirculation ofThe newspaper has a daily circulation of 55,000.4[countable, uncountable]the movement ofliquid, air etc in a systemLet’s open the windows and get some circulation in here.5→in circulation/out of circulation...
with meanings congruent either withfairies,their speculative habitations (small hills or ‘sidhe mounds’), or theirstatus,whichin the case of the dead, meanta state of‘peace’ entirely congruent with the dis-attachment to worldly things upon which the eastern definition ofSiddhaseems to depend....
Define Venoms. Venoms synonyms, Venoms pronunciation, Venoms translation, English dictionary definition of Venoms. n. 1. A poisonous secretion of an animal, such as a snake, spider, or scorpion, usually transmitted to prey or to attackers by a bite or st