Define vaguer. vaguer synonyms, vaguer pronunciation, vaguer translation, English dictionary definition of vaguer. adj. vagu·er , vagu·est 1. Not clear in meaning or expression; inexplicit. See Synonyms at ambiguous. 2. Not thinking or expressing onese
Define Vaginyl. Vaginyl synonyms, Vaginyl pronunciation, Vaginyl translation, English dictionary definition of Vaginyl. n. A synthetic antimicrobial drug, C6H9N3O3, used to treat vaginal trichomoniasis, anaerobic bacterial infections, and intestinal ameb
My eyes slid swiftly upward, pausing again on the taut, fully-rounded behind, before taking in the slender band of browned skin between the waist of his shorts and the barely-large-enough T-shirt which accentuated the breadth of his shoulders and the long, lean back. Atop the sturdy column...
If one wants to get a unanimous definition of vagueness, he will find it a failure. The term “vagueness” seems very hard to be defined since different people have different views. Different people think their own definition to be true. The language system permits speakers to produce utterance...
Vaguely means in a way that is not clearly expressed or understood, while vacantly refers to an expression or manner that is empty or lacking in thought or emotion.
What is the actual definition of a real man? If you’re a man, you will often hear people tell you “A real man is…” followed by some sort of moral value the person making the definition wants you to have. It’s a vaguely defined term that you are supposed to aspire to become,...
2.1TheDefinitionofSymbolism...5 2.2SymbolisminLiteratureWorks...6 III.SymbolisminTheGreatGatsby...8 3.1Symbolismincolors...
My writer-husband has writtenthat “anthropology is gossip with footnotes.” Véronique had never heard of anthropology when we met, but by Philip’s definition, Véronique turned out to be a consummate anthropologistpar excellence. Every week of our first year’s stay, I drove or biked 2.5 ...
I definitely did not think that in a year with some biggish power metal names releasing new records, that Opera Magna, relative unknowns outside of Spain, would drop the best pure symphonic power metal album of the year. I vaguely remembered hearing this band name thrown around in power ...
An artist is, by definition, a creative person, a sensitive person, someone with a frail mind. He writes these songs that appeal to people all over the world, people who recognise themselves in these songs, who recognise the feelings, the emotions, the love, the sadness, the anger, the...