Define vaguely. vaguely synonyms, vaguely pronunciation, vaguely translation, English dictionary definition of vaguely. adj. vagu·er , vagu·est 1. Not clear in meaning or expression; inexplicit. See Synonyms at ambiguous. 2. Not thinking or expressing
Define Vaginule. Vaginule synonyms, Vaginule pronunciation, Vaginule translation, English dictionary definition of Vaginule. n. 1. A vaginula. Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co
If one wants to get a unanimous definition of vagueness, he will find it a failure. The term “vagueness” seems very hard to be defined since different people have different views. Different people think their own definition to be true. The language system permits speakers to produce utterance...
What is the actual definition of a real man? If you’re a man, you will often hear people tell you “A real man is…” followed by some sort of moral value the person making the definition wants you to have. It’s a vaguely defined term that you are supposed to aspire to become,...
My writer-husband has writtenthat “anthropology is gossip with footnotes.” Véronique had never heard of anthropology when we met, but by Philip’s definition, Véronique turned out to be a consummate anthropologistpar excellence. Every week of our first year’s stay, I drove or biked 2.5 ...
i vaguely heard you w i ve always dreamed i ve been discovered i ve been fortunate i ve been hit i ve got water i ve had reservations i ve learned it i ve told you i very sad i waited for so long i walk i walk away from you i walk the streets th i walk to my office i ...
Some Powerful Ancestors: Sharpen Up, Secretariat, Northern Dancer, Vaguely Noble, Bahram, Spearmint, Hyperion, Isinglass, Persimmon, St. Simon.I can’t deny it. By the time Treve came into my life, I was pretty much convinced that I’d already witnessed the best it could get....
I definitely did not think that in a year with some biggish power metal names releasing new records, that Opera Magna, relative unknowns outside of Spain, would drop the best pure symphonic power metal album of the year. I vaguely remembered hearing this band name thrown around in power ...
Consider, for example, the class definition for the two-dimensional vector show at the top of Figure 3. A couple of interesting ideas come out of this. First, notice that there is no explicit constructor body; the parameters on the first line indicate the parameters by which people will con...
Define vagrom. vagrom synonyms, vagrom pronunciation, vagrom translation, English dictionary definition of vagrom. n. 1. a. One who wanders from place to place without a permanent home or a means of livelihood. b. Archaic A wanderer; a rover. 2. One who