Define unifying. unifying synonyms, unifying pronunciation, unifying translation, English dictionary definition of unifying. tr. & intr.v. u·ni·fied , u·ni·fy·ing , u·ni·fies To make into or become a unit; consolidate. u′ni·fi′a·ble adj. u′ni
Define UniFi. UniFi synonyms, UniFi pronunciation, UniFi translation, English dictionary definition of UniFi. or n acronym for Union Finance, a finance sector union Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperColli
•AunifyinginfluenceOf course, while the money comes inhandy,brandscan have another importantfunctionforregions.•Music serves toidentifyandunifymembers of the group, as well as toentertain.•Incongruitiesprohibitconstructingaunifiedpictureof anything we could call Orphism.•They and their party ...
The definition of these units is described in the “Materials and Methods” section. Note that the denominators of such normalizations are read counts of all the protein coding genes, instead of all genes. If users are interested in a different set of genes, they are encouraged to perform a...
4.It's difficult to unify the definition of Internet slang due to the constant changes made to its nature. Replacement: (standardize) 5.The feature of the new communication tool is that it can generate emojis without people doing anything based on their facial expressions. ...
The definition of ‘emphasise’ is drawn from the Instrument and the definition of ‘valuable and special ingredients’, from Guiding Case 60. The court proceeded to deem olive oil as a valuable and special ingredient since [t]he Duoli olive and sunflower edible blended oil Shoulan Li purchase...
Definition Bringing together separate elements to form a whole. Ensuring sameness or consistency across parts. 7 Focus Harmony, cooperation, and integration. Standardization, consistency, and lack of variation. 14 Key Characteristics Collaboration among diverse components. Sameness in appearance, nature, ...
___(2)The way we communicate has undergone huge change since the invention of the Internet. ___(3)Appearing first in Japan,emojis allow people to liven up their texts with colorful images. ___(4)It's difficult to unify the definition of Internet slang due to the constant changes made ...
Define Unité. Unité synonyms, Unité pronunciation, Unité translation, English dictionary definition of Unité. v. u·nit·ed , u·nit·ing , u·nites v. tr. 1. To bring together so as to form a whole: The different structures are
Define Uniform motion. Uniform motion synonyms, Uniform motion pronunciation, Uniform motion translation, English dictionary definition of Uniform motion. the motion of a body when it passes over equal spaces in equal times; equable motion. - Hutton. See