Define unanimous. unanimous synonyms, unanimous pronunciation, unanimous translation, English dictionary definition of unanimous. adj. 1. Sharing the same opinions or views; being in complete harmony or accord. 2. Based on or characterized by complete as
Define Unamuno. Unamuno synonyms, Unamuno pronunciation, Unamuno translation, English dictionary definition of Unamuno. Miguel de 1864-1936. Spanish philosopher and writer. His novels, poetry, and philosophical studies, such as The Tragic Sense of Life o
The New Company Law has significantly shortened the contribution or payment term of subscribed capital in limited liability company (LLC). According to the Current Company Law, the term for the payment of subscribed capital in principle is freely determined and prescribed by the articles of associati...
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Yes,unanimouslyis in the scrabble dictionary ...and is worth21points by itself. find more words you can make below Unanimously Definition In aunanimousmanner; withoutobjection. from the English-language Wiktionary Top Words by points Points
Thedefinitionofcreativity:创造性的定义 The definition of creativity In 1869, a British psychologist Golton works <<genetic and genius>> opens the part of the psychologist the correlation between genetic and genius research and discussion of human creativity.Guilford served as President of the American...
definition [.defi'niʃən] 想一想再看 联想记忆 unadorned ['ʌnə'dɔ:nd] 想一想再看 unanimous [ju'næniməs] 想一想再看 联想记忆 territory ['teritəri] 想一想再看 联想记忆 unconventional ['ʌnkən'venʃənəl] 想一想再看 联想记忆 unblemished 想...
Declaration of Independence, Welcome to the Oregon Patriot Party, The Party that Defends and Secures the True Definition of Inalienable Rights through Education of the Laws of the Declaration of Independence defined in the intent by the Letters of the Or
CHAPTER 7 THE FORMATION OF THE CONSTITUTION The Promise and the Difficulties of America The rise of a young republic composed of thirteen states, each governed by officials popularly elected under constitutions drafted by"the plain people,"was the most significant feature of the eighteenth century. ...
Define nonuniversal. nonuniversal synonyms, nonuniversal pronunciation, nonuniversal translation, English dictionary definition of nonuniversal. adj formal not universal Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © Harper