Define Toxics. Toxics synonyms, Toxics pronunciation, Toxics translation, English dictionary definition of Toxics. adj. 1. Of, relating to, or caused by a toxin or other poison: a toxic condition; toxic hepatitis. 2. Capable of causing injury or death, e
It is a conceptual and intellectual challenge which must be met if safety assessment advances are to be made (Ruben and Rousseaux, 1989).doi:10.1016/0041-008X(89)90196-8ZadokRubenandBernardM.WagnerElsevier Inc.Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology...
Define mycotoxicology. mycotoxicology synonyms, mycotoxicology pronunciation, mycotoxicology translation, English dictionary definition of mycotoxicology. n the study of the toxic properties of fungi Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged,
effects—toxicologist noun [countable]—toxicological /ˌtɒksɪkəˈlɒdʒɪkəl $ ˌtɑːksɪkəˈlɑː-/ adjectiveExamples from the Corpustoxicology• Students searching for comprehensive exposure to the principles of environmental toxicology, however, will need ...
ICH S6 (R1) states that safety evaluation of biotherapeutics should normally include 2 relevant species when available (i.e., a rodent and non-rodent species in which the test material is pharmacologically active), at least for short-term toxicology studies (generally supporting Phase I trials)....
• Such is the mighty science of toxicology, developed to test risk exposure to individual toxic chemicals in laboratory conditions.• Evaluating the toxicology of any new pesticide is now so expensive that few new compounds are reaching the market....
The definition of a combustion process and its specific characteristics are very well known in the fields of combustion science and fire safety and may be defined as an oxidative reaction of a fuel that occurs at a rate fast enough to produce heat and usually light in the form of either a...
We define toxicogenomics as "the study of the relationship between the structure and activity of the genome (the cellular complement of genes) and the adverse biological effects of exogenous agents." This broad definition encompasses most of the variations in the current usage of this term, and ...
Define toxic spasm. toxic spasm synonyms, toxic spasm pronunciation, toxic spasm translation, English dictionary definition of toxic spasm. n. 1. A sudden, involuntary contraction of a muscle or group of muscles. 2. A sudden burst of energy, activity, or
Define toxicognath. toxicognath synonyms, toxicognath pronunciation, toxicognath translation, English dictionary definition of toxicognath. Noun 1. toxicognath - either of a pair of poison fangs in the modified front pair of legs of the centipede fang -