Define tariffs. tariffs synonyms, tariffs pronunciation, tariffs translation, English dictionary definition of tariffs. n. 1. a. A list or system of duties imposed by a government on imported or exported goods. b. A duty or duties so imposed. 2. A schedu
the-Definition-of-Non-tariff-Barrier网络非关税壁垒的含义 网络释义 1. 非关税壁垒的含义 什么意思_英语tariff... ... New non-tariff barrier 新型非关税壁垒 the Definition of Non-tariff Barrier 非关税壁垒的含义 ...|基于1 个网页©...
Define nontariff. nontariff synonyms, nontariff pronunciation, nontariff translation, English dictionary definition of nontariff. adj not involving or utilizing a tariff Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © Harper
tariff. With a compound tariff, the same commodities may be assessed at several different rates. Most capitalist countries—for example, the USA, Canada, France, Great Britain, the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG), and Japan—use this kind of tariff (seeDIFFERENTIAL TARIFF). The imperialist ...
reformthan he had in 1923.•As a non-GATTmemberits goods generally faced highertariffsand othertradebarriers in worldmarkets.•Theircustomsunion, known as Mercosur, took thefinalsteplast year towardeliminatingmosttariffs.•Bananagroup Geestjumped11pto 365p,boostedbyrecenttariffchanges.•Theaimof...
THIS DEFINITION IS FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY. All other reproduction is strictly prohibited without permission from the publisher. The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased. Tariff a systematized schedule of customs duties on ...
The most straightforward example of atrade restrictionis the tariff. A tariff, also called a "duty," isa tax on the value of imported products. Companies or people importing goods from overseas have to pay the tariff to the government. That raises the price of the goods for consumers, thus...
Share the Definition of bill on Twitter Twitter Kids Definition bill 1 of 4 noun ˈbil 1 : the jaws of a bird together with their horny covering 2 : a mouthpart (as the beak of a turtle) resembling a bird's bill 3 : the visor of a cap billed ˈbild adjective bill ...
tar‧iff /ˈtærɪf/ ●○○ noun [countable] 1 a tax on goods coming into a country or going out of a countrytariff on The government may impose tariffs on imports.2 British English a list of fixed prices charged by a hotel or restaurant, for example for the cost of meals ...
Define tariffication. tariffication synonyms, tariffication pronunciation, tariffication translation, English dictionary definition of tariffication. n the creation, fixing, or conversion of a tariff Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged,