Define tachycardias. tachycardias synonyms, tachycardias pronunciation, tachycardias translation, English dictionary definition of tachycardias. n. A rapid heart rate, especially one above 100 beats per minute in an adult. tach′y·car′di·ac adj. & n.
Define paroxysmal tachycardia. paroxysmal tachycardia synonyms, paroxysmal tachycardia pronunciation, paroxysmal tachycardia translation, English dictionary definition of paroxysmal tachycardia. paroxysmal tachycardia. Translations. English: par·ox·ys
Regarding the definition of tachycardia, the panellists acknowledged that in the absence of convincing data any threshold used to define tachycardia is arbitrary. Similarly, as there are no outcome studies of HR lowering in tachycardia hypertension, the panellists could not make practical therapeutic ...
t north america is pa t not light t not my cup of tea t not over yet t now lets leave t nu ir eina naaa t nuclear orgy t ny-yn t nyx t objeto t ocean avenue t odotin jotain paljo t oh good t oh what fun we had t old fart t on the road again a t one and two t...
Cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) has expanded its role in the diagnosis and management of congenital heart disease (CHD) and acquired heart disease in pediatric patients. Ongoing technological advancements in both data acquisition and data present
In the acute setting of myocardial infarction, it was recently demonstrated that prior use of SGLT-2 inhibitors among the affected subjects resulted in significantly lower rates of atrial fibrillation, ventricular tachycardia and ventricular fibrillation, while SGLT-2 inhibitor use was associated with a...
Tachycardia causes an increase in E but a relatively greater increase in A and therefore a decrease in the E/A ratio.141, 150, 151 When comparing Doppler parameters between patients or in the same patient, one must consider the effect of these hemodynamic variables on the observed parameters....
Mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) is a subtype of Non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) of mature B-cells characterized by translocation, which is typically due to excess expression of Cyclin D1. Although with the progress in our knowledge of the causes for MCL and availa
De Luca D, van Kaam AH, Tingay DG, Courtney SE, Danhaive O, Carnielli VP et al (2017) The Montreux definition of neonatal ARDS: biological and clinical background behind the description of a new entity. Lancet Respir Med 5(8):657–66. Available from:
Related to bradycardia:tachycardia brad·y·car·di·a (brăd′ĭ-kär′dē-ə) n. Slowness of the heart rate, usually fewer than 60 beats per minute in an adult human. [brady-+ Greekkardiā,heart; seecardia.] brad′y·car′dic(-dĭk)adj. ...