Define subtle. subtle synonyms, subtle pronunciation, subtle translation, English dictionary definition of subtle. adj. sub·tler , sub·tlest 1. a. So slight as to be difficult to detect or describe; elusive: a subtle smile. b. Difficult to understand;
Define subtitled. subtitled synonyms, subtitled pronunciation, subtitled translation, English dictionary definition of subtitled. n. 1. A secondary, usually explanatory title, as of a literary work. 2. A printed translation of foreign-language dialogue s
When Engels suggested to Marx that his theory of value might be misunderstood by those not accustomed to abstract thought, Marx replied, in his usual style rather than with the relative clarity of the above definition: “. . . the conversion of surplus value into profit … presupposes a ...
Error bars reflect +/− SE of the estimate from the regression. (II) Proportion of participants attributing guilt and obligation as source of indebtedness. (III) Topic probabilities obtained from topic modeling of the emotional words in self-reported definition of indebtedness. Emotional words in ...
to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one’s own : use (another’s production) without crediting the source’s definition is a good bit longerand takes a more subtle approach. an act or instance of using or closely imitating the language and thoughts of...
In 2019, the International Scientific Association for Probiotics and Prebiotics (ISAPP) convened a panel of experts specializing in nutrition, microbial physiology, gastroenterology, paediatrics, food science and microbiology to review the definition and scope of postbiotics. The term ‘postbiotics’ is...
【110】(Justice is a condition of the human soul.… The ‘idea’ justice is that of a wholly rational soul: this is the definition of justice.)城邦是人类灵魂的复制品,再现了正义的人类灵魂的结构和组织(What of the just polis? It is a polis which is the counterpart of a just human soul...
Using the resolution of identity spanned by coherent states of the harmonic oscillator, any entire function of the creation and the annihilation operators and its action on a vector in Hilbert space can be defined directly and simply. We show that such a direct approach applied to non-entire ...
Our work shows that subtle foundational issues exist even with notions that are supposedly well-established and unambiguous, and highlights the need to be careful and precise with regard to "minor" definitional "details". 展开 关键词: Definitions Foundations Encryption Chosen-ciphertext attack ...
Define subtile. subtile synonyms, subtile pronunciation, subtile translation, English dictionary definition of subtile. adj. Subtle. sub′tile·ly adv. sub·til′i·ty , sub′tile·ness , sub′til·ty n. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English La