Define stench trap. stench trap synonyms, stench trap pronunciation, stench trap translation, English dictionary definition of stench trap. n a trap in a sewer that by means of a water seal prevents the upward passage of foul-smelling gases. Also called:
Define stench. stench synonyms, stench pronunciation, stench translation, English dictionary definition of stench. n. 1. A strong, foul odor; a stink. 2. A foul or objectionable quality: the stench of corrupt government. Synonyms: stench , fetor , malodo
The meaning of THE BENCH is the place where a judge sits in a court of law. How to use the bench in a sentence.
The stench of rotting flesh was overpowering. I woke up! I was having my “All my friends are zombies dream.” I was wide awake, My heart was racing. I could hear music playing downstairs. It was probably my sister and her boyfriend. I was thirsty. So, I headed downstairs to get a...
b Effect of the Toba eruption. The white 220 DU contour line highlights the area according to the definition of the modern-day exceptionally depleted ozone conditions. c Volcanically induced relative change. The white dashed contour lines in c highlight the extent of the modern-day exceptionally...
Definition courtesy of “Silva Rhetoricae” ( The Daily Trope is available on Amazon in paperback under the title of The Book of Tropes for $9.95. It is also available in Kindle format for $5.99. Share this: Daily Trope Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in ...
So, since the definition of‘pistis’ = mental acceptancethat something is true o real, then obviously we must come to an understanding as to what our mental image of the Presence of God is, to be able to mentally accept that it is true or real. ...
and ties must be arranged to hold the background together and to give definition to the pattern, somewhat in the manner of lines in mosaic or leaded glass. In a repeating border or design, registers are cut to coincide with some small detail or dot to enable the user to place the stenci...
In spite of the filth and stench, Jackie felt happy there because in her mind’s eye she already saw the darkness lifting. She saw the kingdom of God. No trash pick-up either. To support herself, Jackie took a teaching position in a government school, but she also worked at a school...
Here we see the ossifying of an identitarianism of sex in a global way, based on a consumerist definition of desire as based on lack rather than on relationality. The result is people essentially, from an Orthodox Christian standpoint, identifying themselves by their self-asserting passions ...