Define snee. snee synonyms, snee pronunciation, snee translation, English dictionary definition of snee. vb obsolete to cut or thrust with a knife, esp when fighting Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperColl
Define sneezier. sneezier synonyms, sneezier pronunciation, sneezier translation, English dictionary definition of sneezier. intr.v. sneezed , sneez·ing , sneez·es To expel air forcibly from the mouth and nose in an explosive, spasmodic involuntary act
) To sneeze. Neesing (n.) Sneezing. Ne exeat () A writ to restrain a person from leaving the country, or the jurisdiction of the court. The writ was originally applicable to purposes of state, but is now an ordinary process of courts of equity, resorted to for the purpose of ...
so believe so by definition so by users so cheeseparing so cheuk man so come girls and bro so come on and come o so come on baby so come on in so come on pull so come out at last y so competitive so cozy lying on top so curried so cut the crap so deep and broad so deeply ...
the rate of reserve r the rational concept the rational ponder o the re purchase the re-definition of the real china emerge the real difference b the real intention is the real test the real work of lead the realization of su the reapers toll the reaserch of rules the reason rises low...
moved to Washington state, however, I very rarely get them, and when I do they tend to develop much more slowly, so I have plenty of warning and can take my medicine before things spiral out of control. But since I’ve been living at Sunset full-time, I’ve noticed that I sneeze ...
Note that definitions of service life may vary; one common definition is the length of service under specified conditions (which usually are near rated maximum values) within which 50% of fielded devices can be expected to fail. Some specifications are more stringent, others may be more lenient...
UUI (ICIQ-SF definition) was defined by a positive response to “leaks occur before you can get to the toilet”. Stress urinary incontinence (SUI) was defined by a positive response to at least one of the following: “leaks occur when you cough or sneeze” and “leaks occur when you ...
Define sneer. sneer synonyms, sneer pronunciation, sneer translation, English dictionary definition of sneer. n. 1. A scornful facial expression characterized by a slight raising of one corner of the upper lip. 2. A scornful tone or statement. v. sneered
Define Snew. Snew synonyms, Snew pronunciation, Snew translation, English dictionary definition of Snew. v. i. 1. To snow; to abound. It snewed in his house of meat and drink. - Chaucer. Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C.