Define skeptical. skeptical synonyms, skeptical pronunciation, skeptical translation, English dictionary definition of skeptical. also scep·ti·cal adj. 1. Marked by or given to doubt; questioning: skeptical of political promises. 2. Relating to or char
Define skepsis. skepsis synonyms, skepsis pronunciation, skepsis translation, English dictionary definition of skepsis. n doubt Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000,
semantic truths, i.e., some statements that are true by definition. "A bachelor is an unmarried male," is true and does provide information about the world of experience, namely, how a certain word is used in a certain language. But the statement is a matter of convention, not discovery...
What's Your Definition of a Wizard? The Wizard Control in ASP.NET 2.0 Using the Wizard Control Adding Steps to a Wizard The "Add New Employee" Wizard Wizard Events The Wizard Sidebar ASP.NET has a lot to offer to both the low-level programmer willing to control every little step of the...
the Intelligent Design Network, that "systematically deprecates the scientific status of evolution."*Not only were the standards approved, but the board rewrote the definition of science so that it is no longer limited to the search for natural explanations of phenomena.*Similar proposals have been...
on cell morphology and metabolism. However, failure to reach agreed biological definition of bacteriaFootnote16and to establish evolutionarily meaningful bacterial taxonomy, (Breed et al.,1957; Buchanan,1925; Migula,1897,1907; Niel,1955; Stanier & Niel,1941) left leading mid-twentieth century ...
Define skeletonized. skeletonized synonyms, skeletonized pronunciation, skeletonized translation, English dictionary definition of skeletonized. skeleton top: human skeleton bottom:architectural skeleton n. 1. a. The internal structure that protects and
Define jubilate. jubilate synonyms, jubilate pronunciation, jubilate translation, English dictionary definition of jubilate. n. 1. a. The 100th Psalm in the King James Bible and in most modern Catholic versions or the 99th in the Vulgate. b. A musical se
Balancing data-driven and intuitive approaches to decision-making is not easy. Managers and executives might be skeptical about making decisions that rely on data if that data goes against their intuition. They might also feel that their experience and knowledge are being discounted or ignored. As...
of what it means to cheat have even caused millions of divorces and even murders. But I don’t “cheat” on my partner because I don’t think we have to use society’s definition. I think cheating should be defined by the participants of any specific relationship and be based on ...