Define sincerity. sincerity synonyms, sincerity pronunciation, sincerity translation, English dictionary definition of sincerity. n. The quality or condition of being sincere; genuineness, honesty, and freedom from duplicity. American Heritage® Dictio
Define sincerely. sincerely synonyms, sincerely pronunciation, sincerely translation, English dictionary definition of sincerely. adj. sin·cer·er , sin·cer·est 1. Not feigned or affected; genuine: sincere indignation. 2. Being without hypocrisy or pr
and it has been made possible by the fall of our original parents. All of us are subject to spiritual deception. Awareness of this fact is the greatest protection against it. Likewise, the greatest spiritual deception of all is to consider oneself free...
If we curse it and it will curse us. If you bless a situation, it has no power to hurt you, and even if it is troublesome for a time, it will gradually fade out, but only you can only sincerely bless it. There’s a deep joy waiting for those who choose to do this. I guarant...
It must be observed, and outright stated that the definition of these sins are worldly. There is no such notion of sins in the Bible from which the Christian cannot even potentially repent (Jas. 1:13-15; 1 Cor. 10:13). Yet, it is impossible for any ethnicity, institution, society, ...
The definition of a primary residence was also expanded to include a manufactured or mobile home.” A Declaration of Homestead also protects the sale proceeds if the home is sold for up to one year after the date of the sale or on the date when a new home is purchased with the ...
The farewell is the first part of an email sign-off. It’s the word or phrase used right before the sender’s name, such as best regards, sincerely, talk soon, or cheers (more examples to come later). It’s an integral part of the email’s tone and can impact how the reader int...
(Gruenfeld et al.2008, p. 111) is especially relevant for the definition ofobjectification, which is close to the definition ofgoal-directed networking(Engel et al.2017, p. 46). In the context of network measurements, this established scale has been applied by Shea and Fitzsimons (2016),...
bringing the worst carnage that has ever been on the earth - to America, and to the rest of the world. The Communists, a group dominated by the Zionist Jews, claim they will bring peace to the world. But their definition of “peace” is - the elimination of all resistance to their po...
Define insignificance. insignificance synonyms, insignificance pronunciation, insignificance translation, English dictionary definition of insignificance. n. The quality or state of being insignificant. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Lan